Source code for problog.clausedb

import os
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple

from .errors import InvalidValue
from .logic import *
from .program import LogicProgram, PrologFile
from .util import OrderedSet

[docs]class ClauseDB(LogicProgram): """Compiled logic program. A logic program is compiled into a table of instructions. The types of instructions are: define( functor, arity, defs ) Pointer to all definitions of functor/arity. Definitions can be: ``fact``, ``clause`` or ``adc``. clause( functor, arguments, bodynode, varcount ) Single clause. Functor is the head functor, Arguments are the head arguments. Body node is a pointer to the node representing the body. Var count is the number of variables in head and body. fact( functor, arguments, probability ) Single fact. adc( functor, arguments, bodynode, varcount, parent ) Single annotated disjunction choice. Fields have same meaning as with ``clause``, parent_node points to the parent ``ad`` node. ad( childnodes ) Annotated disjunction group. Child nodes point to the ``adc`` nodes of the clause. call( functor, arguments, defnode ) Body literal with call to clause or builtin. Arguments contains the call arguments, definition node is the pointer to the definition node of the given functor/arity. conj( childnodes ) Logical and. Currently, only 2 children are supported. disj( childnodes ) Logical or. Currently, only 2 children are supported. neg( childnode ) Logical not. """ _define = namedtuple("define", ("functor", "arity", "children", "location")) _clause = namedtuple( "clause", ( "functor", "args", "probability", "child", "varcount", "locvars", "group", "location", ), ) _fact = namedtuple("fact", ("functor", "args", "probability", "location")) _call = namedtuple( "call", ("functor", "args", "defnode", "location", "op_priority", "op_spec") ) _disj = namedtuple("disj", ("children", "location")) _conj = namedtuple("conj", ("children", "location")) _neg = namedtuple("neg", ("child", "location")) _choice = namedtuple( "choice", ("functor", "args", "probability", "locvars", "group", "choice", "location"), ) _extern = namedtuple("extern", ("functor", "arity", "function")) FUNCTOR_CHOICE = "choice" FUNCTOR_BODY = "body" def __init__(self, builtins=None, parent=None): LogicProgram.__init__(self) self.__nodes = [] # list of nodes self.__heads = {} # head.sig => node index self.__builtins = builtins = {} self.engine = None self.__parent = parent self.__node_redirect = {} self.__extern = defaultdict(list) if parent is None: self.__offset = 0 else: if hasattr(parent, "line_info"): self.line_info = parent.line_info if hasattr(parent, "source_files"): self.source_files = parent.source_files[:] self.__offset = len(parent) self.dont_cache = set() self.queries = [] self._load_builtin_module() def _load_builtin_module(self): self.use_module(Term('library', Term('builtin')), None) # pass def __len__(self): return len(self.__nodes) + self.__offset def extend(self): return ClauseDB(parent=self, builtins=self.__builtins) def set_data(self, key, value):[key] = value def update_data(self, key, value): if self.has_data(key): if type(value) == list:[key] += value elif type(value) == dict:[key].update(value) else: raise TypeError("Can't update data of type '%s'" % type(value)) else:[key] = value def has_data(self, key): return key in def get_data(self, key, default=None): return, default) def get_builtin(self, signature): if self.__builtins is None: if self.__parent is not None: return self.__parent.get_builtin(signature) else: return None else: return self.__builtins.get(signature) def get_reserved_names(self): return {self.FUNCTOR_CHOICE, self.FUNCTOR_BODY} def is_reserved_name(self, name): return name is self.get_reserved_names() def _create_index(self, arity): # return [] return ClauseIndex(self, arity) def _add_and_node(self, op1, op2, location=None): """Add an *and* node.""" return self._append_node(self._conj((op1, op2), location)) def _add_not_node(self, op1, location=None): """Add a *not* node.""" return self._append_node(self._neg(op1, location)) def _add_or_node(self, op1, op2, location=None): """Add an *or* node.""" return self._append_node(self._disj((op1, op2), location)) def _scope_term(self, term, scope): if term.signature in self.__builtins: scope = None if term.functor == "_directive": scope = None if scope is not None: term.functor = "_%s_%s" % (scope, term.functor) return term else: return term def _add_define_node(self, head, childnode): define_index = self._add_head(head) define_node = self.get_node(define_index) if not define_node: clauses = self._create_index(head.arity) self._set_node( define_index, self._define(head.functor, head.arity, clauses, head.location), ) else: clauses = define_node.children clauses.append(childnode) return childnode def _add_choice_node( self, choice, functor, args, probability, locvars, group, location=None, scope=None, ): choice_node = self._append_node( self._choice(functor, args, probability, locvars, group, choice, location) ) return choice_node def _add_clause_node(self, head, body, varcount, locvars, group=None): clause_node = self._append_node( self._clause( head.functor, head.args, head.probability, body, varcount, locvars, group, head.location, ) ) return self._add_define_node(head, clause_node) def _add_call_node(self, term, scope=None): """Add a *call* node.""" # if term.signature in ('query/1', 'evidence/1', 'evidence/2'): # raise AccessError("Can\'t call %s directly." % term.signature) term = self._scope_term(term, scope) defnode = self._add_head(term, create=False) return self._append_node( self._call( term.functor, term.args, defnode, term.location, term.op_priority, term.op_spec, ) )
[docs] def get_node(self, index): """Get the instruction node at the given index. :param index: index of the node to retrieve :type index: :class:`int` :returns: requested node :rtype: :class:`tuple` :raises IndexError: the given index does not point to a node """ index = self.__node_redirect.get(index, index) if index < self.__offset: return self.__parent.get_node(index) else: return self.__nodes[index - self.__offset]
def _set_node(self, index, node): if index < self.__offset: raise IndexError("Can't update node in parent.") else: self.__nodes[index - self.__offset] = node def _append_node(self, node=()): index = len(self) self.__nodes.append(node) return index def _get_head(self, head=None): node = self.__heads.get(head.signature) if node is None and self.__parent: node = self.__parent._get_head(head) return node def _set_head(self, head, index): self.__heads[head.signature] = index def _add_head(self, head, create=True): if self.is_reserved_name(head.functor): raise AccessError("'%s' is a reserved name" % head.functor) node = self.get_builtin(head.signature) if node is not None: if create: raise AccessError("Can not overwrite built-in '%s'." % head.signature) else: return node node = self._get_head(head) if node is None: if create: node = self._append_node( self._define( head.functor, head.arity, self._create_index(head.arity), head.location, ) ) else: node = self._append_node() self._set_head(head, node) elif create and node < self.__offset: existing = self.get_node(node) # node exists in parent clauses = self._create_index(head.arity) if existing: for c in existing.children: clauses.append(c) old_node = node node = self._append_node( self._define(head.functor, head.arity, clauses, head.location) ) self.__node_redirect[old_node] = node self._set_head(head, node) return node
[docs] def find(self, head): """Find the ``define`` node corresponding to the given head. :param head: clause head to match :type head: :class:`.basic.Term` :returns: location of the clause node in the database, \ returns ``None`` if no such node exists :rtype: :class:`int` or ``None`` """ return self._get_head(head)
def __repr__(self): s = "" for i, n in enumerate(self.__nodes): i += self.__offset s += "%s: %s\n" % (i, n) s += str(self.__heads) s += "\n" s += "Redirects: " + str(self.__node_redirect) return s
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause, scope=None): """Add a clause to the database. :param clause: Clause to add :type clause: Clause :returns: location of the definition node in the database :rtype: int """ return self._compile(clause, scope=scope)
[docs] def add_fact(self, term, scope=None): """Add a fact to the database. :param term: fact to add :type term: Term :return: position of the definition node in the database :rtype: int """ # Count the number of variables in the fact variables = _AutoDict() term.apply(variables) # If the fact has variables, threat is as a clause. if len(variables) == 0: term = self._scope_term(term, scope) fact_node = self._append_node( self._fact(term.functor, term.args, term.probability, term.location) ) return self._add_define_node(term, fact_node) else: return self.add_clause( Clause(term, Term("true")), scope=scope, )
def add_extern(self, predicate, arity, func, scope=None): head = Term(predicate, *[None] * arity) head = self._scope_term(head, scope) node_id = self._get_head(head) ext = self._extern(head.functor, head.arity, func) if node_id is None: node_id = self._append_node(ext) self._set_head(head, node_id) else: node = self.get_node(node_id) if node == (): self._set_node(node_id, ext) else: node_id = self._append_node(ext) self._add_define_node(head, node_id) self.__extern[scope].append(Term("'/'", Term(predicate), Constant(arity))) def get_local_scope(self, signature): if signature in ("findall/3", "all/3", "all_or_none/3"): return 0, 1 else: return [] def _compile(self, struct, variables=None, scope=None): """Compile the given structure and add it to the database. :param struct: structure to compile :type struct: Term :param variables: mapping between variable names and variable index :type variables: _AutoDict :return: position of the compiled structure in the database :rtype: int """ if variables is None: variables = _AutoDict() if isinstance(struct, And): op1 = self._compile( struct.op1, variables, scope=scope ) op2 = self._compile( struct.op2, variables, scope=scope ) return self._add_and_node(op1, op2) elif isinstance(struct, Or): op1 = self._compile( struct.op1, variables, scope=scope ) op2 = self._compile( struct.op2, variables, scope=scope ) return self._add_or_node(op1, op2) elif isinstance(struct, Not): variables.enter_local() child = self._compile( struct.child, variables, scope=scope ) variables.exit_local() return self._add_not_node(child, location=struct.location) elif isinstance(struct, Term) and struct.signature == "not/1": child = self._compile( struct.args[0], variables, scope=scope, ) return self._add_not_node(child, location=struct.location) elif isinstance(struct, AnnotatedDisjunction): # Determine number of variables in the head new_heads = [head.apply(variables) for head in struct.heads] # Group id group = len(self.__nodes) # Create the body clause body_node = self._compile( struct.body, variables, scope=scope ) body_count = len(variables) # Body arguments body_args = tuple(range(0, len(variables))) body_functor = self.FUNCTOR_BODY + "_" + str(len(self)) if len(new_heads) > 1: heads_list = Term("multi") # list2term(new_heads) else: heads_list = new_heads[0].with_probability(None) body_head = Term(body_functor, Constant(group), heads_list, *body_args) self._add_clause_node( body_head, body_node, len(variables), variables.local_variables ) clause_body = self._add_head(body_head) for choice, head in enumerate(new_heads): head = self._scope_term(head, scope) # For each head: add choice node choice_functor = Term( self.FUNCTOR_CHOICE, Constant(group), Constant(choice), head.with_probability(), ) choice_node = self._add_choice_node( choice, choice_functor, body_args, head.probability, variables.local_variables, group, head.location, ) choice_call = self._append_node( self._call( choice_functor, body_args, choice_node, head.location, None, None, ) ) body_call = self._append_node( self._call( body_functor, body_head.args, clause_body, head.location, None, None, ) ) choice_body = self._add_and_node(body_call, choice_call) self._add_clause_node(head, choice_body, body_count, {}, group=group) return None elif isinstance(struct, Clause): if struct.head.probability is not None: return self._compile( AnnotatedDisjunction([struct.head], struct.body), scope=scope, ) else: new_head = self._scope_term( struct.head.apply(variables), scope, ) body_node = self._compile( struct.body, variables, scope=scope, ) return self._add_clause_node( new_head, body_node, len(variables), variables.local_variables ) elif isinstance(struct, Var): return self._add_call_node( Term("call", struct.apply(variables), location=struct.location), scope=scope, ) elif isinstance(struct, Term): local_scope = self.get_local_scope(struct.signature) if local_scope: # Special case for findall: any variables added by the first # two arguments of findall are 'local' variables. args = [] for i, a in enumerate(struct.args): if not isinstance(a, Term): # For nested findalls: 'a' can be a raw variable pointer # Temporarily wrap it in a Term, so we can call 'apply' on it. a = Term("_", a) if i in local_scope: variables.enter_local() new_arg = a.apply(variables) variables.exit_local() else: new_arg = a.apply(variables) if a.functor == "_": # If the argument was temporarily wrapped: unwrap it. new_arg = new_arg.args[0] args.append(new_arg) return self._add_call_node( struct(*args), scope=scope ) elif struct.functor in ("consult", "use_module"): new_struct = Term( "_" + struct.functor, Term(scope), *struct.args, location=struct.location ) return self._add_call_node( new_struct.apply(variables), scope=scope, ) else: return self._add_call_node( struct.apply(variables), scope=scope, ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown structure type: '%s'" % struct) def _create_ints(self, term): """ Convert all occurrences of Var into ints. For example, when term = Term('a', Var('V_1'), Constant(3)), this returns Term('a', 1, Constant(3)) This assumes each Var has functor V_{var_id} with var_id some int value. This is opposite to the method _create_vars(term). :param term: The term to replace all Var occurrences in. :type term: Term :return: The same term but with all occurrences of Var replaced with their corresponding int value. :rtype: Term """ if type(term) == Var: assert term.functor[:2] == "V_" # Convert V_{digit} to an int of value {digit} return int(term.functor[2:]) else: args = [self._create_ints(arg) for arg in term.args] term = term.with_args(*args) if term.probability is not None: term = term.with_probability(self._create_ints(term.probability)) return term def _create_vars(self, term): if type(term) == int: return Var("V_" + str(term)) else: args = [self._create_vars(arg) for arg in term.args] term = term.with_args(*args) if term.probability is not None: term = term.with_probability(self._create_vars(term.probability)) return term def _extract(self, node_id): node = self.get_node(node_id) if not node: raise ValueError("Unexpected empty node.") nodetype = type(node).__name__ if nodetype == "fact": return Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) elif nodetype == "call": func = node.functor args = node.args if isinstance(func, Term): return self._create_vars(func(*(func.args + args))) else: return self._create_vars( Term(func, *args, priority=node.op_priority, opspec=node.op_spec) ) elif nodetype == "conj": a, b = node.children return And(self._extract(a), self._extract(b)) elif nodetype == "disj": a, b = node.children return Or(self._extract(a), self._extract(b)) elif nodetype == "neg": return Not("\\+", self._extract(node.child)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown node type: '%s'" % nodetype) def to_clause(self, index): node = self.get_node(index) nodetype = type(node).__name__ if nodetype == "fact": return Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) elif nodetype == "clause": head = self._create_vars(Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability)) return Clause(head, self._extract(node.child)) def __iter__(self): clause_groups = defaultdict(list) for index, node in self.enum_nodes(): if not node: continue nodetype = type(node).__name__ if nodetype == "fact": yield Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) elif nodetype == "clause": if is None: head = self._create_vars( Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) ) yield Clause(head, self._extract(node.child)) else: clause_groups[].append(index) for group in clause_groups.values(): heads = [] body = None for index in group: node = self.get_node(index) heads.append( self._create_vars( Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) ) ) if body is None: body_node = self.get_node(node.child) body_node = self.get_node(body_node.children[0]) body = self._create_vars(Term(body_node.functor, *body_node.args)) yield AnnotatedDisjunction(heads, body)
[docs] def iter_raw(self): """Iterate over clauses of model as represented in the database i.e. with choice facts and without annotated disjunctions. """ clause_groups = defaultdict(list) for index, node in self.enum_nodes(): if not node: continue nodetype = type(node).__name__ if nodetype == "fact": yield Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) elif nodetype == "clause": if is None: head = self._create_vars( Term(node.functor, *node.args, p=node.probability) ) yield Clause(head, self._extract(node.child)) else: head = self._create_vars(Term(node.functor, *node.args)) yield Clause(head, self._extract(node.child)) elif nodetype == "choice": group = node.functor.args[0] c = node.functor(*(node.functor.args + node.args)) clause_groups[group].append(c) yield c.with_probability(node.probability) for group in clause_groups.values(): if len(group) > 1: yield Term("mutual_exclusive", list2term(group))
def resolve_filename(self, filename): if ( hasattr(filename, "functor") and filename.functor == "library" and filename.arity == 1 ): from . import library_paths libname = unquote(str(filename.args[0])) for path in library_paths: filename = os.path.join(path, libname) if os.path.exists(filename): return filename elif os.path.exists(filename + ".pl"): return filename + ".pl" elif os.path.exists(filename + ".py"): return filename + ".py" else: root = self.source_root if hasattr(filename, "location") and filename.location: source_root = self.source_files[filename.location[0]] if source_root: root = os.path.dirname(source_root) filename = os.path.join(root, unquote(str(filename))) if os.path.exists(filename): return filename elif os.path.exists(filename + ".pl"): return filename + ".pl" elif os.path.exists(filename + ".py"): return filename + ".py" return filename
[docs] def create_function(self, functor, arity): """Create a Python function that can be used to query a specific predicate on this database. :param functor: functor of the predicate :param arity: arity of the predicate (the function will take arity - 1 arguments :return: a Python callable """ return PrologFunction(self, functor, arity)
def enum_nodes(self): if self.__parent: for i, n in self.__parent.enum_nodes(): yield i, n for i, n in enumerate(self.__nodes): i += self.__offset yield i, n def iter_nodes(self): if self.__parent: for n in self.__parent.iter_nodes(): yield n for n in self.__nodes: yield n def consult(self, filename, location=None, my_scope=None): filename = self.resolve_filename(filename) if filename is None: raise ConsultError( message="Consult: file not found '%s'" % filename, location=self.lineno(location), ) # Prevent loading the same file twice if filename not in self.source_files: identifier = len(self.source_files) self.source_files.append(filename) self.source_parent.append(location) program = PrologFile( filename, identifier=identifier, factory=self.extra_info.get("factory"), parser=self.extra_info.get("parser"), ) self.line_info.append(program.line_info[0]) # engine._process_directives(database) return self.add_all(program) else: return None, None def add_all(self, program): module_name = None module_preds = None for index, clause in enumerate(program): if ( clause.functor == ":-" and hasattr(clause.args[0], "functor") and clause.args[0].functor == "_directive" and clause.args[1].signature == "module/2" ): if index > 0: raise AccessError( "'module' directive should appear at top of module" ) module_name = str(clause.args[1].args[0]) module_preds = clause.args[1].args[1] else: self.add_statement(clause, module_name) if module_preds is not None: module_preds = term2list(module_preds) return module_name, module_preds def use_module(self, filename, predicates, location=None, my_scope=None): filename = self.resolve_filename(filename) if filename is None: raise ConsultError("Unknown library location", self.lineno(location)) elif filename is not None and filename[-3:] == ".py": try: module_name, module_predicates = self.load_external_module(filename) except IOError as err: raise ConsultError( "Error while reading external library: %s" % str(err), self.lineno(location), ) else: module_name, module_predicates = self.consult( Term(filename), location=location ) if module_name is not None: if predicates is None: for mp in module_predicates: self._create_alias(mp, module_name, my_scope=my_scope) elif predicates.functor == "except": preds = set(term2list(predicates.args[0])) for mp in module_predicates: if mp not in preds: self._create_alias(mp, module_name, my_scope=my_scope) else: preds = {} for pred in term2list(predicates): if pred.functor == "'as'": mp = pred.args[0] rename = pred.args[1] else: mp = pred rename = pred.args[0] if mp in module_predicates: self._create_alias( mp, module_name, rename=rename, my_scope=my_scope ) else: raise GroundingError( "Imported predicate %s not defined in module %s" % (mp, module_name), location=location, ) def _create_alias( self, pred, scope, rename=None, my_scope=None ): if rename is None: rename = pred.args[0] if scope is not None: root_sign = self._scope_term( Term(rename, *[None] * int(pred.args[1])), my_scope, ) scoped_sign = self._scope_term( Term(pred.args[0], *[None] * int(pred.args[1])), scope, ) rh = self._add_head(root_sign, create=False) sh = self._add_head(scoped_sign, create=False) if self.get_node(rh): # TODO warning that user code overrides library pass elif rh is not None: sh = self.__node_redirect.get(sh, sh) self.__node_redirect[rh] = sh def load_external_module(self, filename): from .extern import problog_export problog_export.database = self module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0] # Replaced deprecated imp.load_module() # source: import importlib.machinery import importlib.util loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(module_name, filename) module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(, loader) new_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec) loader.exec_module(new_module) return module_name, self.__extern[module_name]
[docs]class ConsultError(GroundingError): """Error during consult""" def __init__(self, message, location): GroundingError.__init__(self, message, location)
def _atom_to_filename(atom): """Translate an atom to a filename. :param atom: filename as atom :type atom: Term :return: filename as string :rtype: str """ atomstr = str(atom) if atomstr[0] == atomstr[-1] == "'": atomstr = atomstr[1:-1] return atomstr class PrologFunction(object): def __init__(self, database, functor, arity): self.database = database self.functor = functor self.arity = arity def __call__(self, *args): args = args[: self.arity - 1] query_term = Term(self.functor, *(args + (None,))) result = self.database.engine.query(self.database, query_term) if len(result) != 1: raise InvalidValue( "Function should return one result: %s returned %s" % (query_term, result) ) return result[0][-1]
[docs]class AccessError(GroundingError): pass
class _AutoDict(dict): def __init__(self): dict.__init__(self) self.__record = set() self.__anon = 0 self.__localmode = False self.local_variables = set() def enter_local(self): self.__localmode = True def exit_local(self): self.__localmode = False def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "_" and self.__localmode: key = "_#%s" % len(self.local_variables) if key == "_" or key is None: value = len(self) self.__anon += 1 return value else: value = self.get(key) if value is None: value = len(self) self[key] = value if self.__localmode: self.local_variables.add(value) elif not self.__localmode and value in self.local_variables: # Variable initially defined in local scope is reused outside local scope. # This means it's not local anymore. self.local_variables.remove(value) self.__record.add(value) return value def __len__(self): return dict.__len__(self) + self.__anon def usedVars(self): result = set(self.__record) self.__record.clear() return result def define(self, key): if key not in self: value = len(self) self[key] = value def intersection(l1, l2): i = 0 j = 0 n1 = len(l1) n2 = len(l2) r = [] a = r.append while i < n1 and j < n2: if l1[i] == l2[j]: a(l1[i]) i += 1 j += 1 elif l1[i] < l2[j]: i += 1 else: j += 1 return r
[docs]class ClauseIndex(list): def __init__(self, parent, arity): list.__init__(self) self.__parent = parent self.__basetype = OrderedSet self.__index = [defaultdict(self.__basetype) for _ in range(0, arity)] self.__optimized = False self.__erased = set() def find(self, arguments): results = None for i, arg in enumerate(arguments): if not is_ground(arg): pass # Variable => no restrictions else: curr = self.__index[i].get(arg) none = self.__index[i].get(None, self.__basetype()) if curr is None: curr = none else: curr |= none if results is None: # First argument with restriction results = curr else: results = results & curr # for some reason &= doesn't work here if results is not None and not results: return [] if results is None: if self.__erased: return OrderedSet(self) - self.__erased else: return self else: if self.__erased: return results - self.__erased else: return results def _add(self, key, item): for i, k in enumerate(key): self.__index[i][k].add(item)
[docs] def append(self, item): list.append(self, item) key = [] try: args = self.__parent.get_node(item).args except AttributeError: args = [None] * self.__parent.get_node(item).arity for arg in args: if is_ground(arg): key.append(arg) else: key.append(None) self._add(key, item)
def erase(self, items): self.__erased |= set(items)