Source code for problog.sdd_formula

problog.sdd_formula - Sentential Decision Diagrams

Interface to Sentential Decision Diagrams (SDD)

    Part of the ProbLog distribution.

    Copyright 2015 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
import os
from collections import namedtuple

from .core import transform
from .dd_formula import DD, build_dd, DDManager, DDEvaluator
from .errors import InstallError, InconsistentEvidenceError
from .evaluator import SemiringLogProbability, SemiringProbability
from .formula import LogicDAG, LogicFormula
from .util import mktempfile

# noinspection PyBroadException
    from pysdd import sdd
    from pysdd.iterator import SddIterator
    from pysdd.util import sdd_to_dot
    from pysdd.sdd import Vtree
except Exception as err:
    sdd = None

[docs]class SDD(DD): """A propositional logic formula consisting of and, or, not and atoms represented as an SDD. This class has two restrictions with respect to the default LogicFormula: * The number of atoms in the SDD should be known at construction time. * It does not support updatable nodes. This means that this class can not be used directly during grounding. It can be used as a target for the ``makeAcyclic`` method. """ transform_preference = 10 def __init__( self, sdd_auto_gc=False, var_constraint=None, init_varcount=-1, **kwdargs ): """ Create an SDD :param sdd_auto_gc: Auto garbage collection and minimize (during disjoin and conjoin) :param var_constraint: A variable ordering constraint. Currently only x_constrained namedtuple are allowed. :type var_constraint: x_constrained :param init_varcount: The amount of variables to initialize the manager with. :param kwdargs: :raise InstallError: When the SDD library is not available. """ if sdd is None: raise InstallError( "The SDD library is not available. Please install the PySDD package." ) self.auto_gc = sdd_auto_gc self._var_constraint = var_constraint self._init_varcount = init_varcount DD.__init__(self, auto_compact=False, **kwdargs) @property def var_constraint(self): return self._var_constraint @var_constraint.setter def var_constraint(self, var_constraint): """ Set the variable constraint :param var_constraint: A variable ordering constraint. Currently only x_constrained namedtuple are allowed. :type var_constraint: x_constrained """ self._var_constraint = var_constraint @property def init_varcount(self): return self._init_varcount @init_varcount.setter def init_varcount(self, value=0): """Set the varcount with which to initialise the manager. Only call before calling the manager """ assert self.inode_manager is None self._init_varcount = value def _create_manager(self): return SDDManager( auto_gc=self.auto_gc, var_constraint=self.var_constraint, varcount=self.init_varcount, ) def _create_evaluator(self, semiring, weights, **kwargs): return SDDEvaluator(self, semiring, weights, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def is_available(cls): """Checks whether the SDD library is available.""" return sdd is not None
[docs] def to_internal_dot(self, node=None): """ SDD for the given node, formatted for use with Graphviz dot. :param node: The node to get the dot from. :type node: SddNode :return: The dot format of the given node. When node is None, the shared_sdd will be used (contains all active sdd structures). :rtype: str """ return self.get_manager().to_internal_dot(node=node)
[docs] def sdd_to_dot(self, node, litnamemap=None, show_id=False, merge_leafs=False): """ SDD for the given node, formatted for use with Graphviz dot. This method provides more control over the used symbols than to_internal_dot (see litnamemap). Primes are given by a dotted line, subs by a full line. :param node: The node to get the dot from. :type node: SddNode :param litnamemap: A dictionary providing the symbols to use. The following options are available: 1. literals, e.g. {1:'A', -1:'-A', ...}, 2. True/False, e.g. {true':'1', 'false':'0'} 3. And/Or e.g. {'mult':'x', 'add':'+'} When litnamemap = True, self.get_litnamemap() will be used. :type litnamemap: dict[(int | str), str] | bool | None :param show_id: Whether to display the ids of each sdd node. :param merge_leafs: Whether to merge the same leaf nodes. True results in less nodes but makes it harder to render without having crossing lines. :return: The dot format of the given node. When node is None, this mgr is used instead. :rtype: str """ if litnamemap is True: litnamemap = self.get_litnamemap() return self.get_manager().sdd_to_dot( node=node, litnamemap=litnamemap, show_id=show_id, merge_leafs=merge_leafs )
[docs] def get_litnamemap(self): """ Get a dictionary mapping literal IDs (inode index) to names. e.g; {1:'x', -1:'-x'}""" litnamemap = dict() var_count = self.get_manager().varcount for (name, index) in self.get_names(): inode_index = self.atom2var.get(index, -1) if 0 <= inode_index < var_count: litnamemap[inode_index] = name litnamemap[-inode_index] = "-{}".format(name) return litnamemap
[docs] def to_formula(self): """Extracts a LogicFormula from the SDD.""" formula = LogicFormula(keep_order=True) for n, q, l in self.labeled(): node = self.get_inode(q) constraints = self.get_constraint_inode() nodec = self.get_manager().conjoin(node, constraints) i = self._to_formula(formula, nodec, {}) formula.add_name(n, i, l) return formula
def _to_formula(self, formula, current_node, cache=None): if cache is not None and in cache: return cache[] if self.get_manager().is_true(current_node): retval = formula.TRUE elif self.get_manager().is_false(current_node): retval = formula.FALSE elif current_node.is_literal(): # it's a literal lit = current_node.literal at = self.var2atom[abs(lit)] node = self.get_node(at) if lit < 0: retval = -formula.add_atom( -lit, probability=node.probability,,, cr_extra=False, is_extra=node.is_extra, ) else: retval = formula.add_atom( lit, probability=node.probability,,, cr_extra=False, is_extra=node.is_extra, ) else: # is decision # Formula: (p1^s1) v (p2^s2) v ... children = [] for p, s in current_node.elements(): p_n = self._to_formula(formula, p, cache) s_n = self._to_formula(formula, s, cache) c_n = formula.add_and((p_n, s_n)) children.append(c_n) retval = formula.add_or(children) if cache is not None: cache[] = retval return retval
[docs]class SDDManager(DDManager): """ Manager for SDDs. It wraps around the SDD library and offers some additional methods. """ def __init__(self, varcount=0, auto_gc=False, var_constraint=None): """Create a new SDD manager. :param varcount: number of initial variables :type varcount: int :param auto_gc: use automatic garbage collection and minimization :type auto_gc: bool :param var_constraint: A variable ordering constraint. Currently only x_constrained namedtuple are allowed. :type var_constraint: x_constrained """ DDManager.__init__(self) if varcount is None or varcount <= 0: varcount = 1 vtree = None if var_constraint is not None and varcount > 1: x_constraint = self._to_x_constrained_list(varcount, var_constraint) vtree = Vtree.new_with_X_constrained( var_count=varcount, is_X_var=x_constraint, vtree_type="balanced" ) self.__manager = sdd.SddManager( var_count=varcount, auto_gc_and_minimize=auto_gc, vtree=vtree ) self._assigned_varcount = 0 def _to_x_constrained_list(self, varcount, var_constraint): """ Convert the X-constrained var_constraint into a list of size varcount+1 specifying variables X. For variables i where 1 ≤ i ≤ varcount, if is_X_var[i] is 1 then i is in X, and if it is 0 then i is not in X. :param varcount: The amount of variables the vtree must have. This must be at least as high as the highest number in var_constraint. :param var_constraint: The X-constrained variable constraint :type var_constraint: x_constrained :return: The is_x_var input for the X-constrained vTree """ is_x_var = [0] * (varcount + 1) if var_constraint is not None and len(var_constraint) > 0: for x in var_constraint.X: is_x_var[x] = 1 return is_x_var
[docs] def get_manager(self): """Get the underlying sdd manager.""" return self.__manager
@property def varcount(self): return self.get_manager().var_count() @property def assigned_varcount(self): return self._assigned_varcount
[docs] def add_variable(self, label=0): if label == 0 or label > self.assigned_varcount: self._assigned_varcount += 1 if self.assigned_varcount > self.varcount: self.get_manager().add_var_after_last() return self.assigned_varcount else: return label
[docs] def literal(self, label): self.add_variable(abs(label)) return self.get_manager().literal(label)
[docs] def is_true(self, node): assert node is not None return node.is_true()
[docs] def true(self): return self.get_manager().true()
[docs] def is_false(self, node): assert node is not None return node.is_false()
[docs] def false(self): return self.get_manager().false()
[docs] def conjoin2(self, a, b): assert a is not None assert b is not None return self.get_manager().conjoin(a, b)
def set_auto_gc_and_minimize(self, set_to=True): if set_to: self.__manager.auto_gc_and_minimize_on() else: self.__manager.auto_gc_and_minimize_off() def is_auto_gc_and_minimize_on(self): return self.__manager.is_auto_gc_and_minimize_on()
[docs] def disjoin2(self, a, b): assert a is not None assert b is not None return self.get_manager().disjoin(a, b)
[docs] def negate(self, node): assert node is not None new_sdd = self.get_manager().negate(node) self.ref(new_sdd) return new_sdd
[docs] def same(self, node1, node2): # Assumes SDD library always reuses equivalent nodes. if node1 is None or node2 is None: return node1 == node2 else: return ==
[docs] def ref(self, *nodes): for node in nodes: assert node is not None node.ref()
[docs] def deref(self, *nodes): for node in nodes: assert node is not None node.deref()
[docs] def write_to_dot(self, node, filename, litnamemap=None): if litnamemap is None: self.get_manager().save_as_dot(filename.encode(), node) else: with open(filename, "w") as file: file.write(self.sdd_to_dot(node=node, litnamemap=litnamemap))
[docs] def to_internal_dot(self, node=None): """ SDD for the given node, formatted for use with Graphviz dot. :param node: The node to get the dot from. :type node: SddNode :return: The dot format of the given node. When node is None, the shared_sdd will be used (contains all active sdd structures). :rtype: str """ return self.get_manager().dot(node=node)
[docs] def sdd_to_dot(self, node, litnamemap=None, show_id=False, merge_leafs=False): """ SDD for the given node, formatted for use with Graphviz dot. This method provides more control over the used symbols than to_internal_dot (see litnamemap). Primes are given by a dotted line, subs by a full line. :param node: The node to get the dot from. :param litnamemap: A dictionary providing the symbols to use. The following options are available: 1. literals, e.g. {1:'A', -1:'-A', ...}, 2. True/False, e.g. {true':'1', 'false':'0'} 3. And/Or e.g. {'mult':'x', 'add':'+'} :type litnamemap: dict[(int | str), str] | None :param show_id: Whether to display the ids of each sdd node. :param merge_leafs: Whether to merge the same leaf nodes. True results in less nodes but makes it harder to render without having crossing lines. :return: The dot format of the given node. When node is None, the mgr is used (this behavior can be overriden). :rtype: str """ used_node = node if node is not None else self.get_manager() return sdd_to_dot( node=used_node, litnamemap=litnamemap, show_id=show_id, merge_leafs=merge_leafs, )
[docs] def wmc( self, node, weights, semiring, literal=None, pr_semiring=True, perform_smoothing=True, smooth_to_root=False, wmc_func=None, ): """Perform Weighted Model Count on the given node or the given literal. Common usage: wmc(node, weights, semiring) and wmc(node, weights, semiring, smooth_to_root=True) :param node: node to evaluate Type: SddNode :param weights: weights for the variables in the node. Type: {literal_id : (pos_weight, neg_weight)} :param semiring: use the operations defined by this semiring. Type: Semiring :param literal: When a literal is given, the result of WMC(literal) is returned instead. :param pr_semiring: Whether the given semiring is a (logspace) probability semiring. :param perform_smoothing: Whether to perform smoothing. When pr_semiring is True, smoothing is performed regardless. :param smooth_to_root: Whether to perform smoothing compared to the root. When pr_semiring is True, smoothing compared to the root is not performed regardless of this flag. :param wmc_func: The WMC function to use. If None, a built_in one will be used that depends on the given semiring. Type: function[SddNode, List[Tuple[prime_weight, sub_weight, Set[prime_used_lit], Set[sub_used_lit]]], Set[expected_prime_lit], Set[expected_sub_lit]] -> weight :type weights: dict[int, tuple[Any, Any]] :type semiring: Semiring :type pr_semiring: bool :type perform_smoothing: bool :type smooth_to_root: bool :type wmc_func: function :return: weighted model count of node if literal=None, else the weights are propagated up to node but the weighted model count of literal is returned. """ varcount = self.get_manager().var_count() if pr_semiring and wmc_func is None: # library built_in (WmcManager) logspace = 0 if == 0.0: logspace = 1 # setup wmc_manager = sdd.WmcManager(node, log_mode=logspace) for ( n ) in weights: # TODO wmc_manager.set_literal_weights_from_array is faster pos, neg = weights[n] if n <= varcount: wmc_manager.set_literal_weight(n, pos) wmc_manager.set_literal_weight(-n, neg) # Cover edge case e.g. node=SddNode(True) if varcount == 1 and weights.get(1) is None: wmc_manager.set_literal_weight(1, wmc_manager.set_literal_weight(-1, # Calculate result result = wmc_manager.propagate() if literal is not None: result = wmc_manager.literal_pr(literal) if weights.get(0) is not None: # Times the weight of True result = result * weights[0][0] else: # manual iteration (SddIterator) if wmc_func is None: wmc_func = self._get_wmc_func( weights=weights, semiring=semiring, perform_smoothing=perform_smoothing, ) # Cover edge case e.g. node=SddNode(True) modified_weights = False if varcount == 1 and weights.get(1) is None: modified_weights = True weights[1] = (,, ) # because 1 + 0 = 1 and 1 * x = x # Calculate result query_node = ( node if literal is None else self.get_manager().literal(literal) ) sdd_iterator = SddIterator( self.get_manager(), smooth_to_root=smooth_to_root ) result = sdd_iterator.depth_first(query_node, wmc_func) if weights.get(0) is not None: # Times the weight of True result = semiring.times(result, weights[0][0]) # Restore edge case modification if modified_weights: weights.pop(1) self.get_manager().set_prevent_transformation(prevent=False) return result
@staticmethod def _get_wmc_func(weights, semiring, perform_smoothing=True): """ Get the function used to perform weighted model counting with the SddIterator. Smoothing supported. :param weights: The weights used during computations. :type weights: dict[int, tuple[Any, Any]] :param semiring: The semiring used for the operations. :param perform_smoothing: Whether smoothing must be performed. If false but semiring.is_nsp() then smoothing is still performed. :return: A WMC function that uses the semiring operations and weights, Performs smoothing if needed. """ smooth_flag = perform_smoothing or semiring.is_nsp() def func_weightedmodelcounting( node, rvalues, expected_prime_vars, expected_sub_vars ): """ Method to pass on to SddIterator's ``depth_first`` to perform weighted model counting.""" if rvalues is None: # Leaf if node.is_true(): result_weight = # If smoothing, go over literals missed in scope if smooth_flag: missing_literals = ( expected_prime_vars if expected_prime_vars is not None else set() ) missing_literals |= ( expected_sub_vars if expected_sub_vars is not None else set() ) for missing_literal in missing_literals: missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight = weights[ missing_literal ] missing_combined_weight = missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight ) result_weight = semiring.times( result_weight, missing_combined_weight ) return result_weight elif node.is_false(): return elif node.is_literal(): p_weight, n_weight = weights.get(abs(node.literal)) result_weight = p_weight if node.literal >= 0 else n_weight # If smoothing, go over literals missed in scope if smooth_flag: lit_scope = {abs(node.literal)} if expected_prime_vars is not None: missing_literals = expected_prime_vars.difference(lit_scope) else: missing_literals = set() if expected_sub_vars is not None: missing_literals |= expected_sub_vars.difference(lit_scope) for missing_literal in missing_literals: missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight = weights[ missing_literal ] missing_combined_weight = missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight ) result_weight = semiring.times( result_weight, missing_combined_weight ) return result_weight else: raise Exception("Unknown leaf type for node {}".format(node)) else: # Decision node if node is not None and not node.is_decision(): raise Exception("Expected a decision node for node {}".format(node)) result_weight = None for prime_weight, sub_weight, prime_vars, sub_vars in rvalues: branch_weight = semiring.times(prime_weight, sub_weight) # If smoothing, go over literals missed in scope if smooth_flag: missing_literals = expected_prime_vars.difference( prime_vars ) | expected_sub_vars.difference(sub_vars) for missing_literal in missing_literals: missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight = weights[ missing_literal ] missing_combined_weight = missing_pos_weight, missing_neg_weight ) branch_weight = semiring.times( branch_weight, missing_combined_weight ) # Add to current intermediate result if result_weight is not None: result_weight =, branch_weight) else: result_weight = branch_weight return result_weight return func_weightedmodelcounting
[docs] def wmc_literal(self, node, weights, semiring, literal): return self.wmc(node, weights, semiring, literal)
[docs] def wmc_true(self, weights, semiring): return self.wmc(self.true(), weights, semiring)
def count(self): return self.get_manager().count()
[docs] def get_deepcopy_noref( self, ): # TODO might be cleaner to maintain refcounts and deref everything afterwards in SDDExplicit """ Get a deep copy of this without reference counts to inodes. Notes: No inode will have a reference count and auto_gc_and_minimize will be disabled. :return: A deep copy of this without any reference counts. """ new_mgr = SDDManager(varcount=self.varcount, auto_gc=False) new_mgr._assigned_varcount = self.assigned_varcount # Code that is slower but works (see commented out code) mapping = self._copy_internal_SDD_to_noref(new_mgr=new_mgr, cache=None) # Construct node list based on current + mapping new_nodes = [None] * len(self.nodes) for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)): node = self.nodes[i] if node is not None: new_nodes[i] = mapping.get(self.nodes[i].id, None) new_mgr.nodes = new_nodes if self.constraint_dd is not None: new_mgr.constraint_dd = mapping.get(, None) # Old code which can be more efficient if we fix the "OSError Cannot allocate memory" # new_nodes = self.nodes.copy() # # fill in None spots with inode True # none_indices = [] # true_node = self.true() # for i in range(0, len(new_nodes)): # if new_nodes[i] is None: # new_nodes[i] = true_node # none_indices.append(i) # # push constraint node # if self.constraint_dd is not None: # new_nodes.append(self.constraint_dd) # # # copy # new_mgr.__manager = self.get_manager().copy(new_nodes) # # # pop constraint node # if self.constraint_dd is not None: # new_mgr.constraint_dd = new_nodes.pop() # # put back None # for i in none_indices: # new_nodes[i] = None # # new_mgr.nodes = new_nodes # DEBUG - print before and after ref_counts # print("before %s" % [(node.ref_count() if node is not None else None) for node in self.nodes]) # print("after %s" % [(node.ref_count() if node is not None else None) for node in new_mgr.nodes]) return new_mgr
def _copy_internal_SDD_to_noref(self, new_mgr, cache=None): """ Copy the SDD structure of this manager to the given new_mgr. ALl refcounts will be 0 so the auto_gc on the new_mgr should be disabled. :param new_mgr: The manager to copy this SDD structure to. Note: the var_count must be high enough. :type new_mgr: SDDManager :param cache: The dictionary to use for the end result (mapping). If None, an empty one will be created. :type cache: dict[int, SddNode] :return: A mapping (cache) of {id, SddNode}. More specifically, {x:y} where x is the ID of an SddNode in this manager which corresponds to the newly created SddNode y of the new_mgr. :rtype: dict[int, SddNode] """ if cache is None: cache = dict() root_nodes = self.nodes for root in root_nodes: if root is not None and root.ref_count() > 0: self._copy_internal_SDD_to_noref_aux(new_mgr, cache, root) return cache def _copy_internal_SDD_to_noref_aux(self, new_mgr, nodes_cache, node): """ Copy node of the current SDDManager into new_mgr using nodes_cache to map (cache) SDDNode equivalences between the SDDNodes (id) of this manager to the SDDNodes in the new_mgr. This is an auxiliary method for self._copy_internal_SDD_to_noref(...). :param new_mgr: The new manager :type new_mgr: SDDManager :param nodes_cache: The cache to use to retrieve corresponding nodes between both managers. Has type {id: SddNode}. Must not be None. :type nodes_cache: dict[int, SddNode] :param node: The SddNode in this manager to copy over to new_mgr. :type node: SddNode :return: The SDDNode in new_mgr corresponding to node in this SDDManager. :rtype: SddNode """ # cached_node: (SddNode x, SddNode y, int z) # with # x = node to process, y = x processed upto index z) cached_node = nodes_cache.get(, None) if cached_node is not None: return cached_node stack = [(node, new_mgr.false(), -1)] while len(stack): process_node, inter_result, inter_index = stack.pop() if process_node.is_true(): nodes_cache[] = new_mgr.true() continue elif process_node.is_false(): nodes_cache[] = new_mgr.false() continue elif process_node.is_literal(): new_node = new_mgr.literal(process_node.literal) nodes_cache[] = new_node continue else: index = -1 or_node = inter_result completed_for = True for p, s in process_node.elements(): # skip to inter_result index = index + 1 if index <= inter_index: continue new_p = nodes_cache.get(, None) if new_p is None: stack.append((process_node, or_node, index - 1)) stack.append((p, new_mgr.false(), -1)) completed_for = False break new_s = nodes_cache.get(, None) if new_s is None: stack.append((process_node, or_node, index - 1)) stack.append((s, new_mgr.false(), -1)) completed_for = False break conjoined = new_mgr.conjoin(new_p, new_s) or_node_n = new_mgr.disjoin(or_node, conjoined) or_node_n.deref() # ensure refcount = 0 conjoined.deref() # ensure refcount = 0 # conjoined.deref() # or_node.deref() or_node = or_node_n if completed_for: nodes_cache[] = or_node return nodes_cache[] def _copy_internal_SDD_to_aux_noref_rec(self, new_mgr, nodes_cache, node): """ Copy node of the current SDDManager into new_mgr using nodes_cache to map (cache) SDDNode equivalences between the SDDNodes (id) of this manager to the SDDNodes in the new_mgr. This is an auxiliary method for self._copy_internal_SDD_to_noref(...) which uses recursion. :param new_mgr: The new manager :type new_mgr: SDDManager :param nodes_cache: The cache to use to retrieve corresponding nodes between both managers. Has type {id: SddNode}. Must not be None. :type nodes_cache: dict[int, SddNode] :param node: The SddNode in this manager to copy over to new_mgr. :type node: SddNode :return: The SDDNode in new_mgr corresponding to node in this SDDManager. :rtype: SddNode """ cached = nodes_cache.get(, None) if cached is not None: return cached if node.is_true(): return new_mgr.true() elif node.is_false(): return new_mgr.false() elif node.is_literal(): new_node = new_mgr.literal(node.literal) nodes_cache[] = new_node return new_node else: or_node = new_mgr.false() for p, s in node.elements(): new_p = self._copy_internal_SDD_to_aux_noref_rec( new_mgr, nodes_cache, p ) new_s = self._copy_internal_SDD_to_aux_noref_rec( new_mgr, nodes_cache, s ) conjoined = new_mgr.conjoin(new_p, new_s) or_node_n = new_mgr.disjoin(or_node, conjoined) or_node_n.deref() # ensure refcount = 0 conjoined.deref() # ensure refcount = 0 # conjoined.deref() # or_node.deref() or_node = or_node_n nodes_cache[] = or_node return or_node def __del__(self): # if sdd is not None and sdd.sdd_manager_free is not None: # sdd.sdd_manager_free(self.__manager) self.__manager = None def __getstate__(self): tempfile = mktempfile() vtree = self.get_manager().vtree() # not a copy with open(tempfile) as f: vtree_data = nodes = [] for n in self.nodes: if n is not None: self.get_manager().save(tempfile.encode(), n) with open(tempfile) as f: nodes.append( else: nodes.append(None) self.get_manager().save(tempfile.encode(), self.constraint_dd) with open(tempfile) as f: constraint_dd = os.remove(tempfile) return { "varcount": self.assigned_varcount, "nodes": nodes, "vtree": vtree_data, "constraint_dd": constraint_dd, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.nodes = [] self._assigned_varcount = state["varcount"] tempfile = mktempfile() with open(tempfile, "w") as f: f.write(state["vtree"]) vtree = sdd.Vtree.from_file(tempfile) self.__manager = sdd.SddManager.from_vtree(vtree) for n in state["nodes"]: if n is None: self.nodes.append(None) else: with open(tempfile, "w") as f: f.write(n) self.nodes.append(self.__manager.read_sdd_file(tempfile.encode())) with open(tempfile, "w") as f: f.write(state["constraint_dd"]) self.constraint_dd = self.__manager.read_sdd_file(tempfile.encode()) os.remove(tempfile) return
x_constrained = namedtuple( "x_constrained", "X" ) # X = list of literalIDs that have to appear before the rest
[docs]class SDDEvaluator(DDEvaluator): def __init__(self, formula, semiring, weights=None, **kwargs): DDEvaluator.__init__(self, formula, semiring, weights, **kwargs) def evaluate_custom(self, node): # Trivial case: node is deterministically True or False if node == self.formula.TRUE: if not self.semiring.is_nsp(): result = else: # WMC(Theory & True & Evidence) / same. The constraints are already included in the evidence node. result = self.semiring.normalize( self._evidence_weight, self._evidence_weight ) elif node is self.formula.FALSE: result = else: query_def_inode = self.formula.get_inode(node) evidence_inode = self.evidence_inode query_sdd = self._get_manager().conjoin(query_def_inode, evidence_inode) smooth_to_root = self.semiring.is_nsp() # perform_smoothing=True because of indicator variables # TODO There are no indicator variables in SDDs. result = self._get_manager().wmc( query_sdd, weights=self.weights, semiring=self.semiring, pr_semiring=False, perform_smoothing=True, smooth_to_root=smooth_to_root, ) self._get_manager().deref(query_sdd) # TODO only normalize when there are evidence or constraints. # result = self.semiring.normalize(result, self.normalization) result = self.semiring.normalize(result, self._evidence_weight) return self.semiring.result(result, self.formula) def _evaluate_evidence(self, recompute=False): if self._evidence_weight is None or recompute: constraint_inode = self.formula.get_constraint_inode() evidence_nodes = [self.formula.get_inode(ev) for ev in self.evidence()] self.evidence_inode = self._get_manager().conjoin( constraint_inode, *evidence_nodes ) pr_semiring = isinstance( self.semiring, (SemiringProbability, SemiringLogProbability) ) result = self._get_manager().wmc( self.evidence_inode, self.weights, self.semiring, pr_semiring=pr_semiring, perform_smoothing=True, smooth_to_root=False, ) if self.semiring.is_zero(result): raise InconsistentEvidenceError(context=" during compilation") if self.normalization is None: self._evidence_weight = result else: self._evidence_weight = self.semiring.normalize( result, self.normalization ) return self._evidence_weight
[docs]@transform(LogicDAG, SDD) def build_sdd(source, destination, **kwdargs): """Build an SDD from another formula. :param source: source formula :type source: LogicDAG :param destination: destination formula :type destination: SDD :param kwdargs: extra arguments :return: destination """ init_varcount = kwdargs.get("init_varcount", -1) destination.init_varcount = ( init_varcount if init_varcount != -1 else source.atomcount ) return build_dd(source, destination, **kwdargs)