Source code for problog.program

problog.program - Representation of Logic Programs

Provides tools for loading logic programs.

    Part of the ProbLog distribution.

    Copyright 2015 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
import os
import sys

from .core import ProbLogError
from .core import transform, ProbLogObject
from .errors import GroundingError
from .logic import (
from .parser import DefaultPrologParser, Factory

[docs]class LogicProgram(ProbLogObject): """LogicProgram""" def __init__( self, source_root=".", source_files=None, line_info=None, **extra_info ): if source_files is None: source_files = [None] if line_info is None: line_info = [None] self.source_root = source_root self.source_files = source_files self.source_parent = [None] self.extra_info = extra_info # line_info should be array, corresponding to 'source_files'. self.line_info = line_info def __iter__(self): """Iterator for the clauses in the program.""" raise NotImplementedError("LogicProgram.__iter__ is an abstract method.")
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause, scope=None): """Add a clause to the logic program. :param clause: add a clause """ raise NotImplementedError("LogicProgram.addClause is an abstract method.")
[docs] def add_fact(self, fact, scope=None): """Add a fact to the logic program. :param fact: add a fact """ raise NotImplementedError("LogicProgram.addFact is an abstract method.")
def __iadd__(self, clausefact): """Add clause or fact using the ``+=`` operator.""" self.add_statement(clausefact) return self def add_statement(self, clausefact, scope=None): if isinstance(clausefact, Or): heads = clausefact.to_list() # TODO move this to parser code for head in heads: if not type(head) == Term: # TODO compute correct location raise GroundingError("Unexpected fact '%s'" % head) elif len(heads) > 1 and head.probability is None: raise GroundingError(f"Non-probabilistic head in multi-head clause '{head}'") self.add_clause( AnnotatedDisjunction(heads, Term("true")), scope=scope, ) elif isinstance(clausefact, AnnotatedDisjunction): self.add_clause(clausefact, scope=scope) elif isinstance(clausefact, Clause): self.add_clause(clausefact, scope=scope) elif type(clausefact) == Term: self.add_fact(clausefact, scope=scope) else: raise GroundingError( "Unexpected fact '%s'" % clausefact, self.lineno(clausefact.location) )
[docs] @classmethod def create_from(cls, src, force_copy=False, **extra): """Create a LogicProgram of the current class from another LogicProgram. :param src: logic program to convert :type src: :class:`.LogicProgram` :param force_copy: default False, If true, always create a copy of the original logic \ program. :type force_copy: bool :param extra: additional arguments passed to all constructors and action functions :returns: LogicProgram that is (externally) identical to given one :rtype: object of the class on which this method is invoked If the original LogicProgram already has the right class and force_copy is False, then \ the original program is returned. """ return cls.createFrom(src, force_copy=force_copy, **extra)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @classmethod def createFrom(cls, src, force_copy=False, **extra): """Create a LogicProgram of the current class from another LogicProgram. :param src: logic program to convert :type src: :class:`.LogicProgram` :param force_copy: default False, If true, always create a copy of the original logic \ program. :type force_copy: bool :param extra: additional arguments passed to all constructors and action functions :returns: LogicProgram that is (externally) identical to given one :rtype: object of the class on which this method is invoked If the original LogicProgram already has the right class and force_copy is False, then \ the original program is returned. """ if not force_copy and src.__class__ == cls: return src else: obj = cls(**extra) if hasattr(src, "extra_info"): obj.extra_info.update(src.extra_info) if hasattr(src, "source_root"): obj.source_root = src.source_root if hasattr(src, "source_files"): obj.source_files = src.source_files[:] obj.source_parent = src.source_parent[:] if hasattr(src, "line_info"): obj.line_info = src.line_info[:] obj.add_all(src) return obj
[docs] def lineno(self, char, force_filename=False): """Transform character position to line:column format. :param char: character position :param force_filename: always add filename even for top-level file :return: line, column (or None if information is not available) """ # Input should be tuple (file, char) if isinstance(char, tuple): fn, char = char else: fn = 0 if self.line_info[fn] is None or char is None: # No line info available return None else: import bisect i = bisect.bisect_right(self.line_info[fn], char) lineno = i charno = char - self.line_info[fn][i - 1] if fn == 0 and not force_filename: filename = None else: filename = self.source_files[fn] return filename, lineno, charno
def to_prolog(self): s = "" for statement in self: s += "%s.\n" % statement return s
[docs]class SimpleProgram(LogicProgram): """LogicProgram implementation as a list of clauses.""" def __init__(self): LogicProgram.__init__(self) self.__clauses = []
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause, scope=None): """Add a clause to the logic program. :param clause: add a clause """ if type(clause) is list: for c in clause: self.__clauses.append(c) else: self.__clauses.append(clause)
[docs] def add_fact(self, fact, scope=None): """Add a fact to the logic program. :param fact: add a fact """ self.__clauses.append(fact)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__clauses)
[docs]class PrologString(LogicProgram): """Read a logic program from a string of ProbLog code.""" def __init__( self, string, parser=None, factory=None, source_root=".", source_files=None, identifier=0, ): self.__string = string self.__program = None self.__identifier = identifier lines = [self._find_lines(string)] if parser is None: if factory is None: factory = DefaultPrologFactory(identifier=identifier) else: factory = factory.__class__(identifier=identifier) self.parser = DefaultPrologParser(factory) else: self.parser = parser LogicProgram.__init__( self, source_root=source_root, source_files=source_files, line_info=lines, factory=factory, parser=parser, ) def _program(self): """Parsed program""" if self.__program is None: self.__program = self.parser.parseString(self.__string) return self.__program def _find_lines(self, s): """Find line-end positions.""" lines = [-1] f = s.find("\n") while f >= 0: lines.append(f) f = s.find("\n", f + 1) lines.append(len(s)) return lines def __iter__(self): """Iterator for the clauses in the program.""" return iter(self._program()) def __getitem__(self, sl): program = self._program() return program[sl]
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause, scope=None): """Add a clause to the logic program. :param clause: add a clause """ raise AttributeError("not supported")
[docs] def add_fact(self, fact, scope=None): """Add a fact to the logic program. :param fact: add a fact """ raise AttributeError("not supported")
[docs]class PrologFile(PrologString): """LogicProgram implementation as a pointer to a Prolog file. :param filename: filename of the Prolog file (optional) :param identifier: index of the file (in case of multiple files) :type filename: string """ def __init__(self, filename, parser=None, factory=None, identifier=0): if filename == "-": source_root = "" source_files = ["-"] source_text = else: rootfile = os.path.abspath(filename) source_root = os.path.dirname(filename) source_files = [rootfile] try: with open(filename) as f: source_text = except IOError as err: raise ProbLogError(str(err)) PrologString.__init__( self, source_text, parser=parser, factory=factory, source_root=source_root, source_files=source_files, identifier=identifier, )
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause, scope=None): """Add a clause to the logic program. :param clause: add a clause """ raise AttributeError("not supported")
[docs] def add_fact(self, fact, scope=None): """Add a fact to the logic program. :param fact: add a fact """ raise AttributeError("not supported")
[docs]class PrologFactory(Factory): """Factory object for creating suitable objects from the parse tree.""" def __init__(self, identifier=0): self.loc_id = identifier def build_program(self, clauses): return clauses def build_function(self, functor, arguments, location=None, **extra): return Term(functor, *arguments, location=(self.loc_id, location), **extra) def build_aggregate(self, functor, arguments, location=None, **extra): return AggTerm(functor, *arguments, location=(self.loc_id, location), **extra) def build_variable(self, name, location=None): return Var(name, location=(self.loc_id, location)) def build_constant(self, value, location=None): return Constant(value, location=(self.loc_id, location)) def build_binop( self, functor, operand1, operand2, function=None, location=None, **extra ): return self.build_function(f"'{functor}'", (operand1, operand2), location=location, **extra) def build_directive(self, functor, operand, **extra): head = self.build_function("_directive", []) return self.build_clause(functor, [head], operand, **extra) def build_unop(self, functor, operand, location=None, **extra): if ( functor == "-" and operand.is_constant() and (operand.is_float() or operand.is_integer()) ): return Constant(-operand.value) return self.build_function(f"'{functor}'", (operand,), location=location, **extra) def build_list(self, values, tail=None, location=None, **extra): if tail is None: current = Term("[]") else: current = tail for value in reversed(values): current = self.build_function(".", (value, current), location=location) return current def build_string(self, value, location=None): return self.build_constant('"' + value + '"', location=location) def build_cut(self, location=None): raise AttributeError("not supported") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def build_clause(self, functor, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): heads = operand1 # TODO move this to parser code for head in heads: if not type(head) == Term: # TODO compute correct location raise GroundingError("Unexpected clause head '%s'" % head) # elif len(heads) > 1 and head.probability is None: # raise GroundingError("Non-probabilistic head in multi-head clause '%s'" % head) if len(heads) > 1: return AnnotatedDisjunction( heads, operand2, location=(self.loc_id, location) ) else: # TODO add tests and errors is_scope = operand1[0].functor == "':'" term = operand1[0] if not is_scope else operand1[0].args[1] # Example of a scoped aggregate scope1:dept_salary(Dept, avg<Salary>) :- BODY. # Reason as to be careful about scopes: cf. test/ has_agg = any(isinstance(arg, AggTerm) for arg in term.args) if has_agg: groupvars = list2term(term.args[:-1]) body = operand2 aggfunc = term.args[-1]() aggvar = term.args[-1].args[0] result = Var("R_VAR") body = Term( "aggregate", aggfunc, aggvar, groupvars, body, Term(",", groupvars, result), ) headargs = term.args[:-1] + (result,) head = ( operand1[0](*headargs) if not is_scope else operand1[0]( operand1[0].args[0], operand1[0].args[1](*headargs) ) ) # aggregate(avg_list, Salary, [Dept], (person(X), salary(X, Salary), dept(X, Dept)), ([Dept], AvgSalary)). return Clause(head, body, location=(self.loc_id, location)) else: return Clause(operand1[0], operand2, location=(self.loc_id, location)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def build_disjunction(self, functor, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): return Or(operand1, operand2, location=(self.loc_id, location)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def build_conjunction(self, functor, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): return And(operand1, operand2, location=(self.loc_id, location)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def build_not(self, functor, operand, location=None, **extra): return Not(functor, operand, location=(self.loc_id, location)) def build_probabilistic(self, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): operand2.probability = operand1 return operand2 def _uncurry(self, term, func=None): if func is None: func = term.functor body = [] current = term while isinstance(current, Term) and current.functor == func: body.append(current.args[0]) current = current.args[1] body.append(current) return body
[docs]class ExtendedPrologFactory(PrologFactory): """Prolog with some extra syntactic sugar. Non-standard syntax: - Negative head literals [Meert and Vennekens, PGM 2014]: 0.5:: \\+a :- b. """ def __init__(self, identifier=0): PrologFactory.__init__(self, identifier) self.neg_head_lits = dict() def _update_functors(self, t): """Adapt functors that appear as a negative literal to be f_p and f_n where f appears in the head. TODO: Should be implemented using a more general visitor pattern """ if type(t) is Clause: self._update_functors(t.head) elif type(t) is AnnotatedDisjunction: self._update_functors(t.heads) elif type(t) is Term: if t.signature in self.neg_head_lits: t.functor = self.neg_head_lits[t.signature]["p"] elif type(t) is Not: self._update_functors(t.child) elif type(t) is Or or type(t) is And: self._update_functors(t.op1) self._update_functors(t.op2) elif type(t) is None or type(t) is Var or type(t) is Constant: pass elif type(t) is list: for term in t: self._update_functors(term) else: raise Exception("Unknown type: {} -- {}".format(t, type(t)))
[docs] def build_program(self, clauses): """Update functor f that appear as a negative head literal to f_p and :param clauses: :return: """ # f_n for clause in clauses: self._update_functors(clause) # Add extra rule for a functor f that appears a as a negative head # literal such that: # f :- f_p, \+f_n. for k, v in self.neg_head_lits.items(): cur_vars = [Var("V{}".format(i)) for i in range(v["c"])] new_clause = Clause( Term(v["f"], *cur_vars), And(Term(v["p"], *cur_vars), Not("\\+", Term(v["n"], *cur_vars))), ) clauses.append(new_clause) return clauses
[docs] def neg_head_literal_to_pos_literal(self, literal): """Translate a negated literal into a positive literal and remember the literal to update the complete program later (in build_program). :param literal: :return: """ literal = abs(literal) if literal.signature not in self.neg_head_lits: self.neg_head_lits[literal.signature] = { "c": literal.arity, "p": literal.functor + "_p", "n": literal.functor + "_n", "f": literal.functor, } literal.functor = self.neg_head_lits[literal.signature]["n"] return literal
[docs] def build_probabilistic(self, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): """Detect probabilistic negated head literal and translate to positive literal :param operand1: :param operand2: :param location: :param extra: :return: """ if ("unaryop" in extra and extra["unaryop"] == "\\+") or operand2.is_negated(): operand2 = self.neg_head_literal_to_pos_literal(operand2) operand2.probability = operand1 return operand2
[docs] def build_clause(self, functor, operand1, operand2, location=None, **extra): """Detect deterministic head literal and translate to positive literal :param functor: :param operand1: :param operand2: :param location: :param extra: :return: """ heads = operand1 new_heads = [] for head in heads: if type(head) == Not: new_head = self.neg_head_literal_to_pos_literal(head) new_heads.append(new_head) else: new_heads.append(head) return super(ExtendedPrologFactory, self).build_clause( functor, new_heads, operand2, location, **extra )
DefaultPrologFactory = ExtendedPrologFactory @transform(str, LogicProgram) def _string_to_program(source, target=None, **kwargs): return PrologString(source)