Source code for problog.formula

problog.formula - Ground programs

Data structures for propositional logic.

    Part of the ProbLog distribution.

    Copyright 2015 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict

from .constraint import ConstraintAD
from .core import ProbLogObject
from .core import transform
from .errors import InconsistentEvidenceError
from .evaluator import Evaluatable, FormulaEvaluator, FormulaEvaluatorNSP
from .logic import Term, Or, Clause, And, is_ground
from .util import OrderedSet

def escape(s):
    return s.replace('"','\\"')

[docs]class BaseFormula(ProbLogObject): """Defines a basic logic formula consisting of nodes in some logical relation. Each node is represented by a key. This key has the following properties: - None indicates false - 0 indicates true - a number larger than 0 indicates a positive node - the key -a with a a number larger than 0 indicates the negation of a This data structure also support weights on nodes, names on nodes and constraints. """ # Define special keys TRUE = 0 FALSE = None WEIGHT_NEUTRAL = True WEIGHT_NO = None LABEL_QUERY = "query" LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS = "evidence+" LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG = "evidence-" LABEL_EVIDENCE_MAYBE = "evidence?" LABEL_NAMED = "named" def __init__(self): self._weights = {} # Node weights: dict(key: Term) self._constraints = [] # Constraints: list of Constraint #self._names = defaultdict(OrderedDict) # Node names: dict(label: dict(key, Term)) self._names = defaultdict(dict) self._atomcount = 0 @property def atomcount(self): """Number of atoms in the formula.""" return self._atomcount # ====================================================================================== # # ========== NODE WEIGHTS =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def get_weights(self): """Get weights of the atoms in the formula. :return: dictionary of weights :rtype: dict[int, Term] """ return self._weights
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """Set weights of the atoms in the formula. :param weights: dictionary of weights :type weights: dict[int, Term] """ self._weights = weights
[docs] def get_weight(self, key, semiring): """Get actual value of the node with the given key according to the given semiring. :param key: key of the node (can be TRUE, FALSE or positive or negative) :param semiring: semiring to use to transform stored weight term into actual value :type semiring: problog.evaluator.Semiring :return: actual value of the weight of the given node """ if self.is_false(key): return elif self.is_true(key): return elif key < 0: return semiring.neg_value(self._weights[-key], key) else: return semiring.pos_value(self._weights[key], key)
[docs] def extract_weights(self, semiring, weights=None): """Extracts the positive and negative weights for all atoms in the data structure. * Atoms with weight set to neutral will get weight ``(,``. * If the weights argument is given, it completely replaces the formula's weights. * All constraints are applied to the weights. * To specify positive and negative literal of an atom you can pass a tuple and handle it in the semiring functions pos_value and neg_value (4,5)::a. 4 is the postive weight and 5 the negative. :param semiring: semiring that determines the interpretation of the weights :param weights: dictionary of { node name : weight } or { node id : weight} that overrides the builtin weights, the given weights must be in external representation. :type weights: dict[(Term | int), any] :returns: dictionary { key: (positive weight, negative weight) } where the weights are in internal representation. :rtype: dict[int, tuple[any,any]] """ result = {} # Set given weights, has priority over program weights. if weights is not None: for n, w in weights.items(): key = n if isinstance(n, int) else self.get_node_by_name(n) if hasattr(self, "get_name"): name = self.get_name(key) elif not isinstance(n, int): name = n else: name = key if key >= 0: if w == self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL and type(self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL) == type( w ): result[key] =, elif w == False: result[key] = semiring.false(name) elif w is None: result[key] = semiring.true(name) else: result[key] = ( semiring.pos_value(w, name), semiring.neg_value(w, name), ) else: # If key < 0 we have to reverse weight order (p,n) to (n,p) if w == self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL and type(self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL) == type( w ): result[abs(key)] =, elif w == False: result[abs(key)] = semiring.true(name) elif w is None: result[abs(key)] = semiring.false(name) else: result[abs(key)] = ( semiring.neg_value(w, name), semiring.pos_value(w, name), ) # Set remaining program weights for key, w in self.get_weights().items(): if result.get(abs(key)) is None: if hasattr(self, "get_name"): name = self.get_name(key) else: name = key if w == self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL and type(self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL) == type(w): result[key] =, elif w is False: result[key] = semiring.false(name) elif w is None: result[key] = semiring.true(name) else: result[key] = ( semiring.pos_value(w, name), semiring.neg_value(w, name), ) for c in self.constraints(): c.update_weights(result, semiring) return result
# ====================================================================================== # # ========== NODE NAMES =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def add_name(self, name, key, label=None, keep_name=False): """Add a name to the given node. :param name: name of the node :type name: Term :param key: key of the node :type key: int | bool :param label: type of label (one of LABEL_*) """ if label is None: label = self.LABEL_NAMED #TODO CG: name is a Term, not a string! --> many Term __eq__ calls self._names[label][name] = key
[docs] def get_node_by_name(self, name): """Get node corresponding to the given name. :param name: name of the node to find :return: key of the node :raises: KeyError if no node with the given name was found """ for names in self._names.values(): res = names.get(name, "#NOTFOUND#") if res != "#NOTFOUND#": return res raise KeyError(name)
# def get_name(self, key): # names = self.get_names() # print (names)
[docs] def add_query(self, name, key, keep_name=False): """Add a query name. Same as ``add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_QUERY)``. :param name: name of the query :param key: key of the query node """ self.add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_QUERY, keep_name=keep_name)
[docs] def add_evidence(self, name, key, value, keep_name=False): """Add an evidence name. Same as ``add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_???)``. :param name: name of the query :param key: key of the query node :param value: value of the evidence (True, False or None) """ if value is None: self.add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_MAYBE, keep_name=keep_name) elif value: self.add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS, keep_name=keep_name) else: self.add_name(name, key, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG, keep_name=keep_name)
[docs] def clear_evidence(self): """Remove all evidence.""" self._names[self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_MAYBE] = {} self._names[self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS] = {} self._names[self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG] = {}
[docs] def clear_queries(self): """Remove all evidence.""" self._names[self.LABEL_QUERY] = {}
[docs] def clear_labeled(self, label): """Remove all evidence.""" self._names[label] = {}
[docs] def get_names(self, label=None): """Get a list of all node names in the formula. :param label: restrict to given label. If not set, all nodes are returned. :return: list of all nodes names (of the requested type) as a list of tuples (name, key) """ if label is None: result = OrderedSet() for names in self._names.values(): for name, node in names.items(): result.add((name, node)) return result else: return self._names.get(label, {}).items()
[docs] def get_names_with_label(self): """Get a list of all node names in the formula with their label type. :return: list of all nodes names with their type """ result = [] for label in self._names: for name, key in self._names[label].items(): result.append((name, key, label)) return result
[docs] def queries(self): """Get a list of all queries. :return: ``get_names(LABEL_QUERY)`` """ return self.get_names(self.LABEL_QUERY)
[docs] def labeled(self): """Get a list of all query-like labels. :return: """ result = [] for name, node, label in self.get_names_with_label(): if label not in ( self.LABEL_NAMED, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG, self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_MAYBE, ): result.append((name, node, label)) return result
[docs] def evidence(self): """Get a list of all determined evidence. Keys are negated for negative evidence. Unspecified evidence (value None) is not included. :return: list of tuples (name, key) for positive and negative evidence """ evidence_true = self.get_names(self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS) evidence_false = self.get_names(self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG) return list(evidence_true) + [ (name, self.negate(node)) for name, node in evidence_false ]
[docs] def evidence_all(self): """Get a list of all evidence (including undetermined). :return: list of tuples (name, key, value) where value can be -1, 0 or 1 """ evidence_true = [x + (1,) for x in self.get_names(self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_POS)] evidence_false = [x + (-1,) for x in self.get_names(self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_NEG)] evidence_maybe = [x + (0,) for x in self.get_names(self.LABEL_EVIDENCE_MAYBE)] return evidence_true + evidence_false + evidence_maybe
# ====================================================================================== # # ========== KEY MANIPULATION =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def is_true(self, key): """Does the key represent deterministic True? :param key: key :return: ``key == self.TRUE`` """ return key == self.TRUE
[docs] def is_false(self, key): """Does the key represent deterministic False? :param key: key :return: ``key == self.FALSE`` """ return key == self.FALSE
[docs] def is_probabilistic(self, key): """Does the key represent a probabilistic node? :param key: key :return: ``not is_true(key) and not is_false(key)`` """ return not self.is_true(key) and not self.is_false(key)
[docs] def negate(self, key): """Negate the key. For TRUE, returns FALSE; For FALSE, returns TRUE; For x returns -x :param key: key to negate :return: negation of the key """ if key == self.TRUE: return self.FALSE elif key == self.FALSE: return self.TRUE else: return -key
# ====================================================================================== # # ========== CONSTRAINTS =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def constraints(self): """Return the list of constraints. :return: list of constraints """ return self._constraints
[docs] def add_constraint(self, constraint): """Add a constraint :param constraint: constraint to add :type constraint: problog.constraint.Constraint """ self._constraints.append(constraint)
def flag(self, flag): flag = "_%s" % flag return hasattr(self, flag) and getattr(self, flag)
atom = namedtuple( "atom", ("identifier", "probability", "group", "name", "source", "is_extra") ) atom.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,) * len(atom._fields) conj = namedtuple("conj", ("children", "name")) disj = namedtuple("disj", ("children", "name"))
[docs]class LogicFormula(BaseFormula): """A logic formula is a data structure that is used to represent generic And-Or graphs. It can typically contain three types of nodes: - atom ( or terminal) - and (compound) - or (compound) The compound nodes contain a list of children which point to other nodes in the formula. These pointers can be positive or negative. In addition to the basic logical structure of the formula, it also maintains a table of labels, which can be used to easily retrieve certain nodes. These labels typically contain the literals from the original program. Upon addition of new nodes, the logic formula can perform certain optimizations, for example, by simplifying nodes or by reusing existing nodes. """ # negation is encoded by using a negative number for the key def _create_atom( self, identifier, probability, group, name=None, source=None, is_extra=False ): return atom(identifier, probability, group, name, source, is_extra) def _create_conj(self, children, name=None): return conj(children, name) def _create_disj(self, children, name=None): return disj(children, name) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __init__( self, auto_compact=True, avoid_name_clash=False, keep_order=False, use_string_names=False, keep_all=False, propagate_weights=None, max_arity=0, keep_duplicates=False, keep_builtins=False, hide_builtins=False, database=None, **kwdargs ): BaseFormula.__init__(self) # List of nodes self._nodes = [] # Lookup index for 'atom' nodes, key is identifier passed to addAtom() self._index_atom = {} self._index_next = 0 # Lookup index for 'and' nodes, key is tuple of sorted children self._index_conj = {} # Lookup index for 'or' nodes, key is tuple of sorted children self._index_disj = {} self._atomcount = 0 self._auto_compact = auto_compact self._avoid_name_clash = avoid_name_clash self._keep_order = keep_order self.keep_all = keep_all self._keep_builtins = (keep_all or keep_builtins) and not hide_builtins self._keep_duplicates = keep_duplicates self._max_arity = max_arity self._constraints_me = {} self.semiring = propagate_weights self._use_string_names = use_string_names self._database = database @property def database(self): return self._database # ====================================================================================== # # ========== MANAGE LABELS =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def add_name(self, name, key, label=None, keep_name=False): """Associates a name to the given node identifier. :param name: name of the node :param key: id of the node :param label: type of node (see LogicFormula.LABEL_*) :param keep_name: keep name of node if it exists """ if self._use_string_names: name = str(name) if not keep_name and self.is_probabilistic(key): node = self.get_node(abs(key)) lname = -name if key < 0 else name node = node._replace(name=lname) self._update(abs(key), node) BaseFormula.add_name(self, name, key, label)
# ====================================================================================== # # ========== MANAGE LOGIC =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def is_trivial(self): """Test whether the formula contains any logical construct. :return: False if the formula only contains atoms. """ return self.atomcount == len(self)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _add(self, node, key=None, reuse=True): """Adds a new node, or reuses an existing one. :param node: node to add (namedtuple: atom, conj or disj) :param reuse: (default True) attempt to map the new node onto an existing one based on its content """ if reuse: # Determine the node's key and lookup identifier base on node type. ntype = type(node).__name__ if ntype == "atom": key = node.identifier collection = self._index_atom elif ntype == "conj": key = node.children collection = self._index_conj elif ntype == "disj": key = node.children collection = self._index_disj else: raise TypeError("Unexpected node type: '%s'." % ntype) if key not in collection: # Create a new entry, starting from 1 index = len(self._nodes) + 1 # Add the entry to the collection collection[key] = index # If atom, update max index if ntype == "atom" and type(key) == int and key >= self._index_next: self._index_next = key + 1 # Add entry to the set of nodes self._nodes.append(node) else: # Retrieve the entry from collection index = collection[key] else: # Don't reuse, just add node. index = len(self._nodes) + 1 self._nodes.append(node) # Return the entry return index
[docs] def get_next_atom_identifier(self): """ Get a unique identifier that can - and has not - been used to add a new atom. :return: A next unique identifier to use when adding new atoms (self.add_atom(identifier=..)) """ return self._index_next
def _update(self, key, value): """Replace the node with the given content. :param key: key of the node to replace. :type key: int > 0 :param value: new content of the node """ assert self.is_probabilistic(key) assert key > 0 self._nodes[key - 1] = value def _add_constraint_me(self, group, node, cr_extra=True): """ :param group: :param node: :param cr_extra: When required, create an additional extra_node atom for the group. :return: """ if group is None: return node constraint = self._constraints_me.get(group) if constraint is None: constraint = ConstraintAD(group) self._constraints_me[group] = constraint node = constraint.add(node, self, cr_extra=cr_extra) return node def force_weights(self): weights = self.get_weights() for i, n, t in self: if t == "atom": w = weights.get(i, n.probability) self._nodes[i - 1] = atom(n.identifier, w,,, n.source)
[docs] def add_atom( self, identifier, probability, group=None, name=None, source=None, cr_extra=True, is_extra=False, ): """Add an atom to the formula. :param identifier: a unique identifier for the atom :param probability: probability of the atom :param group: a group identifier that identifies mutually exclusive atoms (or None if no \ constraint) :param name: name of the new node :param cr_extra: When required, create an extra_node for the constraint group. :returns: the identifiers of the node in the formula (returns self.TRUE for deterministic \ atoms) This function has the following behavior : * If ``probability`` is set to ``None`` then the node is considered to be deterministically\ true and the function will return :attr:`TRUE`. * If a node already exists with the given ``identifier``, the id of that node is returned. * If ``group`` is given, a mutual exclusivity constraint is added for all nodes sharing the\ same group. * To add an explicitly present deterministic node you can set the probability to ``True``. """ if probability is None and not self.keep_all: return self.TRUE elif probability is False and not self.keep_all: return self.FALSE elif ( probability != self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL and self.semiring and self.semiring.is_zero(self.semiring.value(probability)) ): return self.FALSE elif ( probability != self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL and self.semiring and self.semiring.is_one(self.semiring.value(probability)) ): return self.TRUE else: atom = self._create_atom( identifier, probability, group=group, name=name, source=source, is_extra=is_extra, ) length_before = len(self._nodes) node_id = self._add(atom, key=identifier) self.get_weights()[node_id] = probability if name is not None: self.add_name(name, node_id, self.LABEL_NAMED) if len(self._nodes) != length_before: # The node was not reused? self._atomcount += 1 # TODO if the next call return 0 or None, the node is still added? node_id = self._add_constraint_me(group, node_id, cr_extra=cr_extra) return node_id
[docs] def add_and(self, components, key=None, name=None, compact=None): """Add a conjunction to the logic formula. :param components: a list of node identifiers that already exist in the logic formula. :param key: preferred key to use :param name: name of the node :returns: the key of the node in the formula (returns 0 for deterministic atoms) """ return self._add_compound( "conj", components, self.FALSE, self.TRUE, key=key, name=name, compact=compact, )
[docs] def add_or( self, components, key=None, readonly=True, name=None, placeholder=False, compact=None, ): """Add a disjunction to the logic formula. :param components: a list of node identifiers that already exist in the logic formula. :param key: preferred key to use :param readonly: indicates whether the node should be modifiable. This will allow \ additional disjunct to be added without changing the node key. Modifiable nodes are \ less optimizable. :param name: name of the node :returns: the key of the node in the formula (returns 0 for deterministic atoms) :rtype: :class:`int` By default, all nodes in the data structure are immutable (i.e. readonly). This allows the data structure to optimize nodes, but it also means that cyclic formula \ can not be stored because the identifiers of all descendants must be known add creation \ time. By setting `readonly` to False, the node is made mutable and will allow adding disjunct \ later using the :func:`addDisjunct` method. This may cause the data structure to contain superfluous nodes. """ return self._add_compound( "disj", components, self.TRUE, self.FALSE, key=key, readonly=readonly and not placeholder, name=name, placeholder=placeholder, compact=compact, )
[docs] def add_disjunct(self, key, component): """Add a component to the node with the given key. :param key: id of the node to update :param component: the component to add :return: key :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``key`` points to an invalid node This may only be called with a key that points to a disjunctive node or :attr:`TRUE`. """ if self.is_true(key): return key elif self.is_false(key): raise ValueError("Cannot update failing node") else: node = self.get_node(key) if type(node).__name__ != "disj": raise ValueError("Can only update disjunctive node") if component is None: # Don't do anything pass elif component == 0: return self._update(key, self._create_disj((0,), elif component in node.children and not self._keep_duplicates: pass # already there else: if 0 < self._max_arity == len(node.children): child = self.add_or(node.children) return self._update( key, self._create_disj((child, component), ) else: return self._update( key, self._create_disj(node.children + (component,),, ) return key
[docs] def add_not(self, component): """Returns the key to the negation of the node. :param component: the node to negate """ return self.negate(component)
[docs] def get_node(self, key): """Get the content of the node with the given key. :param key: key of the node :type key: int > 0 :return: content of the node """ assert self.is_probabilistic(key) assert key > 0 return self._nodes[key - 1]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _add_compound( self, nodetype, content, t, f, key=None, readonly=True, update=None, name=None, placeholder=False, compact=None, ): """Add a compound term (AND or OR).""" if not placeholder: assert content # Content should not be empty name_clash = False if compact or self._auto_compact and compact is None: # If there is a t node, (true for OR, false for AND) if t in content: return t # Eliminate unneeded node nodes (false for OR, true for AND) content = filter(lambda x: x != f, content) # Put into fixed order and eliminate duplicate nodes if self._keep_duplicates: content = tuple(content) elif self._keep_order: content = tuple(OrderedSet(content)) else: # any_order # can also merge (a, b) and (b, a) content = tuple(OrderedSet(content)) # content = tuple(set(content)) # Empty OR node fails, AND node is true if not content and not placeholder: return f # Contains opposites: return 'TRUE' for or, 'FALSE' for and if len(set(content)) > len(set(map(abs, content))): return t # If node has only one child, just return the child. # Don't do this for modifiable nodes, we need to keep a separate node. if readonly and update is None and len(content) == 1: if self._avoid_name_clash: name_old = self.get_node(abs(content[0])).name if name is None or name_old is None or name == name_old: if name is not None: self.add_name(name, content[0], self.LABEL_NAMED) return content[0] else: name_clash = True else: if name is not None: name_old = self.get_node(abs(content[0])).name if name_old is None: self.add_name(name, content[0], self.LABEL_NAMED) return content[0] else: content = tuple(content) if nodetype == "conj": node = self._create_conj(content, name) return self._add(node, reuse=self._auto_compact and not self.keep_all) elif nodetype == "disj": node = self._create_disj(content, name) if update is not None: # If an update key is set, update that node return self._update(update, node) elif readonly: # If the node is readonly, we can try to reuse an existing node. new_node = self._add( node, reuse=self._auto_compact and not name_clash and not self.keep_all, ) return new_node else: # If node is modifiable, we shouldn't reuse an existing node. return self._add(node, reuse=False) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected node type: '%s'." % nodetype) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the nodes in the formula. :returns: iterator over tuples ( key, node, type ) """ for i, n in enumerate(self._nodes): yield (i + 1, n, type(n).__name__) def __reversed__(self): """Iterate over the nodes in the formula in the opposite direction. :returns: iterator over tuples ( key, node, type ) """ for i, n in reversed(self._nodes): yield (i + 1, n, type(n).__name__) def __len__(self): """Returns the number of nodes in the formula.""" return len(self._nodes) # ====================================================================================== # # ========== MANAGE CONSTRAINTS =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def constraints(self): """Returns a list of all constraints.""" return list(self._constraints_me.values()) + BaseFormula.constraints(self)
# ====================================================================================== # # ========== EVIDENCE PROPAGATION =========== # # ====================================================================================== #
[docs] def has_evidence_values(self): """Checks whether the current formula contains information for evidence propagation.""" return hasattr(self, "lookup_evidence")
[docs] def get_evidence_values(self): """Retrieves evidence propagation information.""" assert self.has_evidence_values() return getattr(self, "lookup_evidence")
[docs] def get_evidence_value(self, key): """Get value of the given node based on evidence propagation. :param key: key of the node :return: value of the node (key, TRUE or FALSE) """ if key == 0 or key is None: return key elif self.has_evidence_values(): result = self.get_evidence_values().get(abs(key), abs(key)) if key < 0: return self.negate(result) else: return result else: return key
[docs] def set_evidence_value(self, key, value): """Set value of the given node based on evidence propagation. :param key: key of the node :param value: value of the node """ if key < 0: self.get_evidence_values()[-key] = self.negate(value) else: self.get_evidence_values()[key] = value
[docs] def propagate(self, nodeids, current=None): """Propagate the value of the given node (true if node is positive, false if node is negative) The propagation algorithm is not complete. :param nodeids: evidence nodes to set (> 0 means true, < 0 means false) :param current: current set of nodes with deterministic value :return: dictionary of nodes with deterministic value """ # Initialize current in case nothing is known yet. if current is None: current = {} # Provide easy access to values values = {True: self.TRUE, False: self.FALSE} # Reverse mapping between a node and its parents atoms_in_rules = defaultdict(set) # Queue of nodes that need to be handled. # INVARIANT: elements in queue have deterministic value # INVARIANT: elements in queue are not yet listed in current queue = set(nodeids) while queue: nid = queue.pop() # Get information about the node n = self.get_node(abs(nid)) t = type(n).__name__ if abs(nid) not in current: # This is the first time we process this node. # We should process its parents again. for at in atoms_in_rules[abs(nid)]: if at in current: # Parent has a truth value. # Try to propagate parent again. if current[abs(at)] == self.TRUE: queue.add(abs(at)) else: queue.add(-abs(at)) # Record node value in current current[abs(nid)] = values[nid > 0] # Process node and propagate to children if t == "atom": # Nothing to do. pass else: # Get the list of children with their actual (propagated) values. children = [] for c in n.children: ch = current.get(abs(c), abs(c)) if c < 0: ch = self.negate(ch) children.append(ch) # Handle trivial cases: # Node should be true, but is a conjunction with a false child if t == "conj" and self.FALSE in children and nid > 0: raise InconsistentEvidenceError( context=" during evidence propagation" ) # Node should be false, but is a disjunction with a true child elif t == "disj" and self.TRUE in children and nid < 0: raise InconsistentEvidenceError( context=" during evidence propagation" ) # Node should be false, and is a conjunction with a false child elif t == "conj" and self.FALSE in children and nid < 0: # Already satisfied, nothing else to do pass # Node should be true and is a disjunction with a true child elif t == "disj" and self.TRUE in children and nid > 0: # Already satisfied, nothing else to do pass else: # Filter out deterministic children children = list( filter(lambda x: x != 0 and x is not None, children) ) if len(children) == 1: # One child left: propagate value to the child if abs(children[0]) not in current: if nid < 0: queue.add(-children[0]) else: queue.add(children[0]) atoms_in_rules[abs(children[0])].discard(abs(nid)) elif nid > 0 and t == "conj": # Conjunction is true => all children are true for c in children: if abs(c) not in current: queue.add(c) atoms_in_rules[abs(c)].discard(abs(nid)) elif nid < 0 and t == "disj": # Disjunction is false => all children are false for c in children: if abs(c) not in current: queue.add(-c) atoms_in_rules[abs(c)].discard(abs(nid)) else: # We can't propagate yet. Mark current rule as parent of its children. for c in children: atoms_in_rules[abs(c)].add(abs(nid)) return current
# def propagate(self, nodeids, current=None): # if current is None: # current = {} # # values = {True: self.TRUE, False: self.FALSE} # atoms_in_rules = defaultdict(set) # # updated = set() # queue = set(nodeids) # while queue: # nid = queue.pop() # # if abs(nid) not in current: # updated.add(abs(nid)) # for at in atoms_in_rules[abs(nid)]: # if at in current: # if current[abs(at)] == 0: # queue.add(abs(at)) # else: # queue.add(-abs(at)) # current[abs(nid)] = values[nid > 0] # # n = self.get_node(abs(nid)) # t = type(n).__name__ # if t == 'atom': # pass # else: # children = [] # for c in n.children: # ch = current.get(abs(c), abs(c)) # if c < 0: # ch = self.negate(ch) # children.append(ch) # if t == 'conj' and None in children and nid > 0: # raise InconsistentEvidenceError() # elif t == 'disj' and 0 in children and nid < 0: # raise InconsistentEvidenceError() # children = list(filter(lambda x: x != 0 and x is not None, children)) # if len(children) == 1: # only one child # if abs(children[0]) not in current: # if nid < 0: # queue.add(-children[0]) # else: # queue.add(children[0]) # atoms_in_rules[abs(children[0])].discard(abs(nid)) # elif nid > 0 and t == 'conj': # # Conjunction is true # for c in children: # if abs(c) not in current: # queue.add(c) # atoms_in_rules[abs(c)].discard(abs(nid)) # elif nid < 0 and t == 'disj': # # Disjunction is false # for c in children: # if abs(c) not in current: # queue.add(-c) # else: # for c in children: # atoms_in_rules[abs(c)].add(abs(nid)) # return current # ====================================================================================== # # ========== EXPORT TO STRING =========== # # ====================================================================================== # def __str__(self): s = "\n".join("%s: %s" % (i, n) for i, n, t in self) f = True for q in self.labeled(): if f: f = False s += "\nQueries : " s += "\n* %s : %s [%s]" % q f = True for q in self.evidence(): if f: f = False s += "\nEvidence : " s += "\n* %s : %s" % q f = True for c in self.constraints(): if c.is_nontrivial(): if f: f = False s += "\nConstraints : " s += "\n* " + str(c) return s + "\n"
[docs] def to_prolog(self): """Convert the Logic Formula to a Prolog program. To make this work correctly some flags should be set on the engine and LogicFormula prior \ to grounding. The following code should be used: .. code-block:: python pl = problog.program.PrologFile(input_file) problog.formula.LogicFormula.create_from(pl, avoid_name_clash=True, keep_order=True, \ label_all=True) prologfile = gp.to_prolog() :return: Prolog program :rtype: str """ lines = ["%s." % c for c in self.enum_clauses()] for qn, qi in self.queries(): if is_ground(qn): if self.is_true(qi): if qn.is_negated(): lines.append("%s :- fail." % -qn) else: lines.append("%s." % qn) elif self.is_false(qi): if qn.is_negated(): lines.append("%s." % -qn) else: lines.append("%s :- fail." % qn) lines.append("query(%s)." % qn) for qn, qi in self.evidence(): if self.is_true(qi): if qn.is_negated(): lines.append("%s :- fail." % -qn) else: lines.append("%s." % qn) lines.append("evidence(%s)." % qn) elif self.is_false(qi): if qn.is_negated(): lines.append("%s." % -qn) else: lines.append("%s :- fail." % qn) lines.append("evidence(%s)." % qn) elif qi < 0: lines.append("evidence(\\+%s)." % qn) else: lines.append("evidence(%s)." % qn) return "\n".join(lines)
# lines = [] # neg_heads = set() # for head, body in self.enumerate_clauses(): # head_name = self.get_name(head) # if head_name.is_negated(): # pos_name = -head_name # head_name = Term(pos_name.functor + '_aux', *pos_name.args) # if head not in neg_heads: # lines.append('%s :- %s.' % (pos_name, -head_name)) # neg_heads.add(head) # if body: # clause with a body # body = ', '.join(map(str, map(self.get_name, body))) # lines.append('%s :- %s.' % (head_name, body)) # else: # fact # prob = self.get_node(head).probability # # if prob is not None: # lines.append('%s::%s.' % (prob, head_name)) # else: # lines.append('%s.' % head_name) # return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def get_name(self, key): """Get the name of the given node. :param key: key of the node :return: name of the node :rtype: Term """ if key == 0: return Term("true") elif key is None: return Term("false") else: node = self.get_node(abs(key)) name = if ( not self._is_valid_name(name) and type(node).__name__ == "disj" and node.children ): if key < 0: name = self.get_name(-node.children[0]) else: name = self.get_name(node.children[0]) if name is None: name = Term("node_%s" % abs(key)) if key < 0: return -name else: return name
[docs] def enumerate_clauses(self, relevant_only=True): """Enumerate the clauses of this logic formula. Clauses are represented as (``head, [body]``). :param relevant_only: only list clauses that are part of the ground program for a query or \ evidence :return: iterator of clauses """ enumerated = OrderedSet() if relevant_only: to_enumerate = OrderedSet( abs(n) for q, n in self.queries() if self.is_probabilistic(n) ) to_enumerate |= OrderedSet( abs(n) for q, n in self.evidence() if self.is_probabilistic(n) ) else: to_enumerate = OrderedSet(range(1, len(self) + 1)) while to_enumerate: i = to_enumerate.pop() enumerated.add(i) n = self.get_node(i) t = type(n).__name__ if t == "atom": yield i, [] elif t == "conj": # In case a query or evidence is directly referring to a conjunctive node. body = self._unroll_conj(n) to_enumerate |= OrderedSet((map(abs, body))) - enumerated yield i, body else: # t == 'disj' for c_i in n.children: negc = c_i < 0 c_n = self.get_node(abs(c_i)) c_t = type(c_n).__name__ if c_t == "atom": yield i, [c_i] if abs(c_i) not in enumerated: to_enumerate.add(abs(c_i)) elif c_t == "conj": if negc: yield i, [c_i] if abs(c_i) not in enumerated: to_enumerate.add(abs(c_i)) else: body = self._unroll_conj(c_n) to_enumerate |= OrderedSet(map(abs, body)) - enumerated yield i, body else: yield i, [c_i] if abs(c_i) not in enumerated: to_enumerate.add(abs(c_i))
def extract_ads(self, relevant, processed): # Collect information about annotated disjunctions choices = set([]) choice_group = {} choice_by_group = defaultdict(list) choice_parent = {} choice_by_parent = {} choice_body = {} choice_name = {} choice_prob = {} for i, n, t in self: if not relevant[i]: continue if t == "atom" and is not None: choice_group[i] = choice_prob[i] = n.probability choice_by_group[].append(i) choices.add(i) processed[i] = True elif t == "conj" and n.children[-1] in choices: choice = n.children[-1] choice_parent[choice_group[choice]] = i choice_by_parent[i] = choice choice_body[choice_group[choice]] = n.children[0] if is not None: choice_name[choice] = processed[i] = True if not self._is_valid_name(self.get_node(abs(n.children[0])).name): processed[n.children[0]] = True for i, n, t in self: if t == "disj": overlap = set(n.children) & set(choice_by_parent.keys()) | set( n.children ) & set(choices) for o in overlap: p = choice_by_parent.get(o, o) if self._is_valid_name( and not self._is_valid_name( choice_name.get(p) ): choice_name[p] = for group, choices in choice_by_group.items(): # Check for single atom AD. if len(choices) == 1 and choice_name.get(choices[0]) is None: processed[choices[0]] = False # Revert to not yet processed. continue # Construct head head = Or.from_list( [choice_name[c].with_probability(choice_prob[c]) for c in choices] ) # Construct body body = self.get_body(choice_body.get(group, self.TRUE), processed) if body is None: yield head else: yield (Clause(head, body)) def _is_valid_name(self, name): return ( name is not None and not name.functor == "choice" and not name.functor.startswith("body_") ) def get_body(self, index, processed=None, parent_name=None): if index == self.TRUE: return None else: node = self.get_node(abs(index)) ntype = type(node).__name__ if self._is_valid_name( and str( != str(parent_name): if index < 0: return else: return elif ntype == "atom": # Easy case: atom if index < 0: return else: return elif ntype == "conj": children = self._unroll_conj(node) result = And.from_list(list(map(self.get_name, children))) if index < 0: return -result else: return result elif ( ntype == "disj" and len(node.children) == 1 and not self._is_valid_name( ): if processed: processed[abs(index)] = True if index < 0: b = self.get_body(-node.children[0], parent_name=parent_name) else: b = self.get_body(node.children[0], parent_name=parent_name) return b elif ntype == "disj": if index < 0: return else: return else: print(self) print(index, node) raise Exception("Unexpected") def enum_clauses(self): relevant = self.extract_relevant() processed = [False] * (len(self) + 1) for ad in self.extract_ads(relevant, processed): yield ad for i, n, t in self: if relevant[i] and not processed[i]: if t == "atom": if is not None and n.source not in ("builtin", "negation"): yield elif t == "disj": if len(n.children) == 1 and not self._is_valid_name( # Match case in get_body that also skips these nodes, # which means that these clauses would never be used anyway. pass else: for c in n.children: if not processed[abs(c)] or self._is_valid_name( self.get_node(abs(c)).name ): b = self.get_body(c, if str( != str(b): # TODO bit of a hack? yield Clause(, b) elif t == "conj" and is None: pass else: yield Clause(, self.get_body(i, def extract_relevant(self, roots=None): relevant = [False] * (len(self) + 1) if roots is None: roots = {abs(r) for r in self.get_roots()} while roots: root = roots.pop() if not relevant[root]: relevant[root] = True node = self.get_node(root) ntype = type(node).__name__ if ntype != "atom": for c in node.children: if not relevant[abs(c)]: roots.add(abs(c)) return relevant def get_roots(self): roots = set(n for q, n in self.queries() if self.is_probabilistic(n)) roots |= set(n for q, n in self.evidence() if self.is_probabilistic(n)) return roots def get_node_multiplicity(self, index): if self.is_true(index): return 1 elif self.is_false(index): return 0 else: node = self.get_node(abs(index)) ntype = type(node).__name__ if ntype == "atom": return 1 elif index < 0: # TODO verify this is correct: negative node has multiplicity 1 return 1 else: child_multiplicities = [ self.get_node_multiplicity(c) for c in node.children ] if ntype == "disj": return sum(child_multiplicities) else: r = 1 for cm in child_multiplicities: r *= cm return r def enumerate_branches(self, index, anc=()): if index in anc: yield 0, [] elif self.is_true(index): yield 0, [self.TRUE] elif self.is_false(index): yield 0, [] elif index < 0: yield index, [index] else: node = self.get_node(index) ntype = type(node).__name__ if ntype == "atom": yield index, [index] elif ntype == "conj": from itertools import product, chain for b in product( *( self.enumerate_branches(c, anc=anc + (index,)) for c in node.children ) ): c_max, c_br = zip(*b) mx = max(c_max) yield max(index, mx), list(chain(*c_br)) else: for c in node.children: for mx, b in self.enumerate_branches(c, anc=anc + (index,)): yield mx, b def copy_node(self, target, index): if self.is_true(index): return target.TRUE elif self.is_false(index): return target.FALSE else: node = self.get_node(abs(index)) ntype = type(node).__name__ sign = 1 if index > 0 else -1 if ntype == "atom": at = target.add_atom(*node) elif ntype == "conj": children = [self.copy_node(target, c) for c in node.children] at = target.add_and(children) elif ntype == "disj": children = [self.copy_node(target, c) for c in node.children] at = target.add_or(children) if sign < 0: return target.negate(at) else: return at def _unroll_conj(self, node): assert type(node).__name__ == "conj" if len(node.children) == 1: return node.children elif len(node.children) == 2 and node.children[1] > 0: children = [node.children[0]] current = node.children[1] current_node = self.get_node(current) while ( type(current_node).__name__ == "conj" and len(current_node.children) == 2 and not self._is_valid_name( ): children.append(current_node.children[0]) current = current_node.children[1] if current > 0: current_node = self.get_node(current) else: current_node = None children.append(current) else: children = node.children return children
[docs] def to_dot(self, not_as_node=True, nodeprops=None): """Write out in GraphViz (dot) format. :param not_as_node: represent negation as a node :param nodeprops: additional properties for nodes :return: string containing dot representation """ if nodeprops is None: nodeprops = {} not_as_edge = not not_as_node # Keep track of mutually disjunctive nodes. clusters = defaultdict(list) queries = set( [(name, node) for name, node, label in self.get_names_with_label()] ) for i, n, t in self: if is not None: queries.add((, i)) # Keep a list of introduced not nodes to prevent duplicates. negative = set([]) s = "digraph GP {\n" for index, node, nodetype in self: prop = nodeprops.get(index, "") if prop: prop = "," + prop if nodetype == "conj": s += ( '%s [label="AND", shape="box", style="filled", fillcolor="white"%s];\n' % (index, prop) ) for c in node.children: opt = "" if c < 0 and c not in negative and not_as_node: s += '%s [label="NOT"];\n' % c s += "%s -> %s;\n" % (c, -c) negative.add(c) if c < 0 and not_as_edge: opt = '[arrowhead="odotnormal"]' c = -c if c != 0: s += "%s -> %s%s;\n" % (index, c, opt) elif nodetype == "disj": s += ( '%s [label="OR", shape="diamond", style="filled", fillcolor="white"%s];\n ' % (index, prop) ) for c in node.children: opt = "" if c < 0 and c not in negative and not_as_node: s += '%s [label="NOT"];\n' % c s += "%s -> %s;\n" % (c, -c) negative.add(c) if c < 0 and not_as_edge: opt = '[arrowhead="odotnormal"]' c = -c if c != 0: s += "%s -> %s%s;\n" % (index, c, opt) elif nodetype == "atom": if node.probability == self.WEIGHT_NEUTRAL: pass elif is None: s += ( '%s [label="%s", shape="ellipse", style="filled", fillcolor="white"%s];\n' % (index, node.probability, prop) ) else: clusters[].append( '%s [ shape="ellipse", label="%s", ' 'style="filled", fillcolor="white" ];\n' % (index, node.probability) ) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected node type: '%s'" % nodetype) c = 0 for cluster, text in clusters.items(): if len(text) > 1: s += ( 'subgraph cluster_%s { style="dotted"; color="red"; \n\t%s\n }\n' % (c, "\n\t".join(text)) ) else: s += text[0] c += 1 q = 0 for name, index in set(queries): if name.is_negated(): pos_name = -name name = Term(pos_name.functor + "_aux", *pos_name.args) opt = "" if index is None: index = "false" if not_as_node: s += '%s [label="NOT"];\n' % index s += "%s -> %s;\n" % (index, 0) elif not_as_edge: opt = ', arrowhead="odotnormal"' if 0 not in negative: s += '%s [label="true"];\n' % 0 negative.add(0) elif index < 0: # and not index in negative : if not_as_node: s += '%s [label="NOT"];\n' % index s += "%s -> %s;\n" % (index, -index) negative.add(index) elif not_as_edge: index = -index opt = ', arrowhead="odotnormal"' elif index == 0 and index not in negative: s += '%s [label="true"];\n' % index negative.add(0) s += 'q_%s [ label="%s", shape="plaintext" ];\n' % (q, escape(str(name))) s += 'q_%s -> %s [style="dotted" %s];\n' % (q, index, opt) q += 1 return s + "}"
def clone(self, destination): destination._auto_compact = False source = self # TODO maintain a translation table for i, n, t in source: if t == "atom": # TODO test this # j = destination.add_atom(n.identifier, n.probability,, name=source.get_name(i), cr_extra=False, is_extra=n.is_extra) j = destination.add_atom( n.identifier, n.probability,, name=source.get_name(i) ) elif t == "conj": j = destination.add_and(n.children, elif t == "disj": j = destination.add_or(n.children, else: raise TypeError("Unknown node type") assert i == j for name, node, label in source.get_names_with_label(): destination.add_name(name, node, label) for c in source.constraints(): if c.is_nontrivial(): destination.add_constraint(c) return destination
[docs]class LogicDAG(LogicFormula): """A propositional logic formula without cycles.""" def __init__(self, auto_compact=True, **kwdargs): LogicFormula.__init__(self, auto_compact, **kwdargs)
[docs]class LogicNNF(LogicDAG, Evaluatable): """A propositional formula in NNF form (i.e. only negation on facts).""" def __init__(self, auto_compact=True, **kwdargs): LogicDAG.__init__(self, auto_compact, **kwdargs) def _create_evaluator(self, semiring, weights, **kwargs): if semiring.is_nsp(): return FormulaEvaluatorNSP(self, semiring, weights) else: return FormulaEvaluator(self, semiring, weights)
[docs] def copy_node_from(self, source, index, translate=None): """Copy a node with transformation to Negation Normal Form (only negation on facts).""" if translate is None: translate = {} if index in translate: return translate[index] elif source.is_true(index): return self.TRUE elif source.is_false(index): return self.FALSE else: node = source.get_node(abs(index)) ntype = type(node).__name__ sign = 1 if index > 0 else -1 not_name = None if not_name = if ntype == "atom": at = self.add_atom(*node) if sign < 0: at = self.negate(at) elif ntype == "conj": if sign > 0: children = [ self.copy_node_from(source, c, translate) for c in node.children ] at = self.add_and(children, else: children = [ self.copy_node_from(source, source.negate(c), translate) for c in node.children ] at = self.add_or(children, name=not_name) elif ntype == "disj": if sign > 0: children = [ self.copy_node_from(source, c, translate) for c in node.children ] at = self.add_or(children, else: children = [ self.copy_node_from(source, source.negate(c), translate) for c in node.children ] at = self.add_and(children, name=not_name) translate[index] = at return at
[docs]class DeterministicLogicFormula(LogicFormula): """A deterministic logic formula.""" def __init__(self, **kwdargs): LogicFormula.__init__(self, **kwdargs)
[docs] def add_atom(self, identifier, probability, group=None, name=None, source=None): return self.TRUE
@transform(LogicDAG, LogicNNF) def dag_to_nnf(source, target=None, **kwargs): if target is None: target = LogicNNF() # Keep a translation table. translate = {} # Translate all labeled nodes (query, evidence, ...) for q, n, l in source.get_names_with_label(): nn = target.copy_node_from(source, n, translate) target.add_name(q, nn, l) # Copy constraints for c in source.constraints(): # Ensure that all nodes used in constraint are in NNF form. for n in c.get_nodes(): target.copy_node_from(source, n, translate) target.add_constraint(c.copy(translate)) return target