Source code for problog.engine_stack

problog.engine_stack - Stack-based implementation of grounding engine

Default implementation of the ProbLog grounding engine.

    Part of the ProbLog distribution.

    Copyright 2015 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
import random
import sys

from problog.eval_nodes import (
from .engine import (
from .engine import NonGroundProbabilisticClause
from .engine import (
from .engine_builtin import add_standard_builtins, IndirectCallCycleError
from .logic import Term, is_ground

[docs]class InvalidEngineState(Exception): pass
[docs]class StackBasedEngine(ClauseDBEngine): def __init__(self, label_all=False, **kwdargs): ClauseDBEngine.__init__(self, **kwdargs) # TODO idea: Subclass this? self.node_types = {} self.node_types["fact"] = self.eval_fact self.node_types["conj"] = self.eval_conj self.node_types["disj"] = self.eval_disj self.node_types["neg"] = self.eval_neg self.node_types["define"] = self.eval_define self.node_types["call"] = self.eval_call self.node_types["clause"] = self.eval_clause self.node_types["choice"] = self.eval_choice self.node_types["builtin"] = self.eval_builtin self.node_types["extern"] = self.eval_extern self.cycle_root = None self.pointer = 0 self.stack_size = 128 self.stack = [None] * self.stack_size self.stats = [0] * 10 self.debug = False self.trace = False self.label_all = label_all self.debugger = kwdargs.get("debugger") self.unbuffered = kwdargs.get("unbuffered") self.rc_first = kwdargs.get("rc_first", False) self.full_trace = kwdargs.get("full_trace") self.ignoring = set() def eval(self, node_id, **kwdargs): # print (kwdargs.get('parent')) database = kwdargs["database"] # Skip not included or excluded nodes, or if parent is ignoring new results if self.should_skip_node(node_id, **kwdargs): return self.skip(node_id, **kwdargs) if node_id < 0: # Builtin node node = self.get_builtin(node_id) exec_func = self.eval_builtin else: node = database.get_node(node_id) node_type = type(node).__name__ exec_func = self.create_node_type(node_type) if exec_func is None: if self.unknown == self.UNKNOWN_FAIL: return self.skip(node_id, **kwdargs) else: raise UnknownClauseInternal() return exec_func(node_id=node_id, node=node, **kwdargs) def should_skip_node(self, node_id, **kwdargs): include_ids = kwdargs.get("include") exclude_ids = kwdargs.get("exclude") # If we are only looking at certain 'included' ids, check if it is included # OR If we are excluding certain ids, check if it is in the excluded id list. # OR The parent node is ignoring new results, so there is no point in generating them. return ( include_ids is not None and node_id not in include_ids or exclude_ids is not None and node_id in exclude_ids or kwdargs.get("parent") in self.ignoring ) def skip(self, node_id, **kwdargs): return [complete(kwdargs["parent"], kwdargs.get("identifier"))] def create_node_type(self, node_type): return self.node_types.get(node_type)
[docs] def load_builtins(self): addBuiltIns(self)
def add_simple_builtin(self, predicate, arity, function): return self.add_builtin(predicate, arity, SimpleBuiltIn(function)) def grow_stack(self): self.stack += [None] * self.stack_size self.stack_size *= 2 def shrink_stack(self): self.stack_size = 128 self.stack = [None] * self.stack_size def add_record(self, record): if self.pointer >= self.stack_size: self.grow_stack() self.stack[self.pointer] = record self.pointer += 1 def notifyCycle(self, childnode): # Optimization: we can usually stop when we reach a node on_cycle. # However, when we swap the cycle root we need to also notify the old cycle root # up to the new cycle root. assert self.cycle_root is not None root = self.cycle_root.pointer # childnode = self.stack[child] current = childnode.parent actions = [] while current != root: if current is None: raise IndirectCallCycleError( location=childnode.database.lineno(childnode.node.location) ) exec_node = self.stack[current] if exec_node.on_cycle: break new_actions = exec_node.createCycle() actions += new_actions current = exec_node.parent return actions def checkCycle(self, child, parent): current = child while current > parent: exec_node = self.stack[current] if exec_node.on_cycle: break if isinstance(exec_node, EvalNot): raise NegativeCycle( location=exec_node.database.lineno(exec_node.node.location) ) current = exec_node.parent def _transform_act(self, action): if action[0] in "rc": return action else: return action[:2] + ( action[3]["parent"], action[3]["context"], action[3]["identifier"], ) def init_message_stack(self): if self.unbuffered: if self.rc_first: return MessageOrderDrc(self) else: return MessageOrderD(self) else: return MessageFIFO(self)
[docs] def in_cycle(self, pointer): """Check whether the node at the given pointer is inside a cycle. :param pointer: :return: """ if pointer is None: return False elif self.cycle_root is None: return False elif pointer == self.cycle_root.pointer: return True else: node = self.stack[pointer] res = node.on_cycle or self.in_cycle(node.parent) return res
def find_cycle(self, child, parent, force=False): root_encountered = None cycle = [] while child is not None: cycle.append(child) childnode = self.stack[child] if hasattr(childnode, "siblings"): for s in childnode.siblings: cycle_rest = self.find_cycle(s, parent, force=force) if cycle_rest: return cycle + cycle_rest child = childnode.parent if child == parent: return cycle if self.cycle_root is not None and child == self.cycle_root.pointer: root_encountered = len(cycle) # if force: # return cycle # else: if root_encountered is not None: return cycle[:root_encountered] else: return None def notify_cycle(self, cycle): actions = [] for current in cycle[1:]: exec_node = self.stack[current] actions += exec_node.createCycle() return actions # # # assert self.cycle_root is not None # root = self.cycle_root.pointer # # childnode = self.stack[child] # current = childnode.parent # actions = [] # while current != root: # if current is None: # raise IndirectCallCycleError( # location=childnode.database.lineno(childnode.node.location)) # exec_node = self.stack[current] # if exec_node.on_cycle: # break # new_actions = exec_node.createCycle() # actions += new_actions # current = exec_node.parent # return actions def is_real_cycle(self, child, parent): return bool(self.find_cycle(child, parent)) def execute_init(self, node_id, target=None, database=None, is_root=None, **kwargs): # Initialize the cache/table. # This is stored in the target ground program because # node ids are only valid in that context. if not hasattr(target, "_cache"): target._cache = DefineCache(database.dont_cache) # Retrieve the list of actions needed to evaluate the top-level node. # parent = kwdargs.get('parent') # kwdargs['parent'] = parent initial_actions = self.eval( node_id, parent=None, database=database, target=target, is_root=is_root, **kwargs ) return initial_actions
[docs] def execute( self, node_id, target=None, database=None, subcall=False, is_root=False, name=None, **kwdargs ): """ Execute the given node. :param node_id: pointer of the node in the database :param subcall: indicates whether this is a toplevel call or a subcall :param target: target datastructure for storing the ground program :param database: database containing the logic program to ground :param kwdargs: additional arguments :return: results of the execution """ # Find out debugging mode. self.trace = kwdargs.get("trace") self.debug = kwdargs.get("debug") or self.trace debugger = self.debugger # Initialize the cache/table. # This is stored in the target ground program because # node ids are only valid in that context. if not hasattr(target, "_cache"): target._cache = DefineCache(database.dont_cache) # Retrieve the list of actions needed to evaluate the top-level node. # parent = kwdargs.get('parent') # kwdargs['parent'] = parent initial_actions = self.eval( node_id, parent=None, database=database, target=target, is_root=is_root, **kwdargs ) # Initialize the action stack. actions = self.init_message_stack() actions += reversed(initial_actions) solutions = [] # Main loop: process actions until there are no more. while actions: if self.full_trace: self.printStack() print(actions) # Pop the next action. # An action consists of 4 parts: # - act: the type of action (r, c, e) # - obj: the pointer on which to call the action # - args: the arguments of the action # - context: the execution context if self.cycle_root is not None and actions.cycle_exhausted(): if self.full_trace: print("CLOSING CYCLE") sys.stdin.readline() # for message in actions: # TODO cache # parent = actions._msg_parent(message) # print (parent, self.in_cycle(parent)) next_actions = self.cycle_root.closeCycle(True) actions += reversed(next_actions) else: act, obj, args, context = actions.pop() if debugger: debugger.process_message(act, obj, args, context) if obj is None: # We have reached the top-level. if act == "r": # A new result is available solutions.append((args[0], args[1])) if name is not None: negated, term, label = name term_store = term.with_args(*args[0]) if negated: target.add_name(-term_store, -args[1], label) else: target.add_name(term_store, args[1], label) if args[3]: # Last result received if not subcall and self.pointer != 0: # pragma: no cover # ERROR: the engine stack should be empty. self.printStack() raise InvalidEngineState( "Stack not empty at end of execution!" ) if not subcall: # Clean up the stack to save memory. self.shrink_stack() return solutions elif act == "c": # Indicates completion of the execution. return solutions else: # ERROR: unknown message raise InvalidEngineState("Unknown message!") else: # We are not at the top-level. if act == "e": # Never clean up in this case because 'obj' doesn't contain a pointer. cleanup = False # We need to execute another node. # if self.cycle_root is not None and context['parent'] < self.cycle_root.pointer: # print ('Cycle exhausted indeed:', len(actions) + 1) # # There is an active cycle and we are about to execute a node # # outside that cycle. # # We first need to close the cycle. # next_actions = self.cycle_root.closeCycle(True) + [ # (act, obj, args, context)] # else: try: # Evaluate the next node. # if exclude is not None and obj in exclude: # next_actions = self.skip(obj, **context) # obj = self.pointer # elif include is not None and obj not in include: # next_actions = self.skip(obj, **context) # obj = self.pointer # else: next_actions = self.eval(obj, **context) obj = self.pointer except UnknownClauseInternal: # An unknown clause was encountered. # TODO why is this handled here? call_origin = context.get("call_origin") if call_origin is None: sig = "unknown" raise UnknownClause(sig, location=None) else: loc = database.lineno(call_origin[1]) raise UnknownClause(call_origin[0], location=loc) else: # The message is 'r' or 'c'. This means 'obj' should be a valid pointer. try: # Retrieve the execution node from the stack. exec_node = self.stack[obj] except IndexError: # pragma: no cover self.printStack() raise InvalidEngineState("Non-existing pointer: %s" % obj) if exec_node is None: # pragma: no cover print(act, obj, args) self.printStack() raise InvalidEngineState( "Invalid node at given pointer: %s" % obj ) if act == "r": # A new result was received. cleanup, next_actions = exec_node.new_result( *args, **context ) elif act == "c": # A completion message was received. cleanup, next_actions = exec_node.complete(*args, **context) else: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidEngineState("Unknown message") if not actions and not next_actions and self.cycle_root is not None: if self.full_trace: print("CLOSE CYCLE") sys.stdin.readline() # If there are no more actions and we have an active cycle, we should close the cycle. next_actions = self.cycle_root.closeCycle(True) # Update the list of actions. actions += list(reversed(next_actions)) # Do debugging. if self.debug: # pragma: no cover self.printStack(obj) if act in "rco": print(obj, act, args) print([(a, o, x) for a, o, x, t in actions[-10:]]) if self.trace: a = sys.stdin.readline() if a.strip() == "gp": print(target) elif a.strip() == "l": self.trace = False self.debug = False if cleanup: self.cleanup(obj) if subcall: call_origin = kwdargs.get("call_origin") if call_origin is not None: call_origin = database.lineno(call_origin[1]) raise IndirectCallCycleError() else: # This should never happen. self.printStack() # pragma: no cover print("Actions:", actions) print("Collected results:", solutions) # pragma: no cover raise InvalidEngineState( "Engine did not complete correctly!" ) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def cleanup(self, obj): """ Remove the given node from the stack and lower the pointer. :param obj: pointer of the object to remove :type obj: int """ self.ignoring.discard(obj) if self.cycle_root and self.cycle_root.pointer == obj: self.cycle_root = None self.stack[obj] = None while self.pointer > 0 and self.stack[self.pointer - 1] is None: self.pointer -= 1
def call( self, query, database, target, transform=None, parent=None, context=None, **kwdargs ): node_id = database.find(query) if node_id is None: node_id = database.get_builtin(query.signature) if node_id is None: raise UnknownClause(query.signature, database.lineno(query.location)) return self.execute( node_id, database=database, target=target, context=self.create_context(query.args, parent=context), **kwdargs ) def call_intern(self, query, parent_context=None, **kwdargs): if query.is_negated(): negated = True neg_func = query.functor query = -query elif query.functor in ("not", "\\+") and query.arity == 1: negated = True neg_func = query.functor query = query.args[0] else: negated = False database = kwdargs.get("database") node_id = database.find(query) if node_id is None: node_id = database.get_builtin(query.signature) if node_id is None: raise UnknownClause(query.signature, database.lineno(query.location)) call_args = range(0, len(query.args)) call_term = query.with_args(*call_args) call_term.defnode = node_id call_term.child = node_id if negated: def func(result): return (Term(neg_func, Term(call_term.functor, *result)),) kwdargs["transform"].addFunction(func) return self.eval_neg( node_id=None, node=call_term, context=self.create_context(query.args, parent=parent_context), **kwdargs ) else: return self.eval_call( None, call_term, context=self.create_context(query.args, parent=parent_context), **kwdargs ) def printStack(self, pointer=None): # pragma: no cover print("===========================") for i, x in enumerate(self.stack): if (pointer is None or pointer - 20 < i < pointer + 20) and x is not None: if i == pointer: print(">>> %s: %s" % (i, x)) elif self.cycle_root is not None and i == self.cycle_root.pointer: print("ccc %s: %s" % (i, x)) else: print(" %s: %s" % (i, x)) def eval_fact(self, parent, node_id, node, context, target, identifier, **kwdargs): try: # Verify that fact arguments unify with call arguments. unify_call_head(context, node.args, context) if True or self.label_all: name = Term(node.functor, *node.args) else: name = None # Successful unification: notify parent callback. target_node = target.add_atom(node_id, node.probability, name=name) if target_node is not None: return [ new_result( parent, self.create_context(node.args, parent=context), target_node, identifier, True, ) ] else: return [complete(parent, identifier)] except UnifyError: # Failed unification: don't send result. # Send complete message. return [complete(parent, identifier)] def propagate_evidence(self, db, target, functor, args, resultnode): if hasattr(target, "lookup_evidence"): if resultnode in target.lookup_evidence: return target.lookup_evidence[resultnode] else: neg = target.negate(resultnode) if neg in target.lookup_evidence: return target.negate(target.lookup_evidence[neg]) else: return resultnode else: return resultnode def eval_define( self, node, context, target, parent, identifier=None, transform=None, is_root=False, no_cache=False, **kwdargs ): # This function evaluates the 'define' nodes in the database. # This is basically the same as evaluating a goal in Prolog. # There are three possible situations: # - the goal has been evaluated before (it is in cache) # - the goal is currently being evaluated (i.e. we have a cycle) # we make a distinction between ground goals and non-ground goals # - we have not seen this goal before # Extract a descriptor for the current goal being evaluated. functor = node.functor goal = (functor, context) # Look up the results in the cache. if no_cache: results = None else: results = target._cache.get(goal) if results is not None: # We have results for this goal, i.e. it has been fully evaluated before. # Transform the results to actions and return. return results_to_actions( results, self, node, context, target, parent, identifier, transform, is_root, **kwdargs ) else: # Look up the results in the currently active nodes. active_node = target._cache.getEvalNode(goal) if active_node is not None: # There is an active node. if active_node.is_ground and active_node.results: # If the node is ground, we can simply return the current result node. active_node.flushBuffer(True) active_node.is_cycle_parent = ( True ) # Notify it that it's buffer was flushed queue = results_to_actions( active_node.results, self, node, context, target, parent, identifier, transform, is_root, **kwdargs ) assert len(queue) == 1 self.checkCycle(parent, active_node.pointer) return queue else: # If the node in non-ground, we need to create an evaluation node. evalnode = EvalDefine( pointer=self.pointer, engine=self, node=node, context=context, target=target, identifier=identifier, parent=parent, transform=transform, is_root=is_root, no_cache=no_cache, **kwdargs ) self.add_record(evalnode) return evalnode.cycleDetected(active_node) else: # The node has not been seen before. # Get the children that may fit the context (can contain false positives). children = node.children.find(context) to_complete = len(children) if to_complete == 0: # No children, so complete immediately. return [complete(parent, identifier)] else: # Children to evaluate, so start evaluation node. evalnode = EvalDefine( to_complete=to_complete, pointer=self.pointer, engine=self, node=node, context=context, target=target, identifier=identifier, transform=transform, parent=parent, no_cache=no_cache, **kwdargs ) self.add_record(evalnode) target._cache.activate(goal, evalnode) actions = [evalnode.createCall(child) for child in children] return actions def eval_conj(self, **kwdargs): return self.eval_default(EvalAnd, **kwdargs) def eval_disj(self, parent, node, **kwdargs): if len(node.children) == 0: # No children, so complete immediately. return [complete(parent, None)] else: evalnode = EvalOr( pointer=self.pointer, engine=self, parent=parent, node=node, **kwdargs ) self.add_record(evalnode) return [evalnode.createCall(child) for child in node.children] def eval_neg(self, **kwdargs): return self.eval_default(EvalNot, **kwdargs) def eval_call( self, node_id, node, context, parent, transform=None, identifier=None, **kwdargs ): min_var = self.context_min_var(context) call_args, var_translate = substitute_call_args(node.args, context, min_var) if self.debugger and node.functor != "call": # 'call(X)' is virtual so result and return can not be detected => don't register it. location = kwdargs["database"].lineno(node.location) self.debugger.call_create( node_id, node.functor, call_args, parent, location ) ground_mask = [not is_ground(c) for c in call_args] def result_transform(result): if hasattr(result, "state"): state1 = result.state else: state1 = None # TODO: None or empty state? -Vin. output1 = self._clone_context(context, state=state1) try: assert len(result) == len(node.args) output = unify_call_return( result, call_args, output1, var_translate, min_var, mask=ground_mask ) output = self.create_context(output, parent=output1) if self.debugger: location = kwdargs["database"].lineno(node.location) self.debugger.call_result( node_id, node.functor, call_args, result, location ) return output except UnifyError: pass if transform is None: transform = Transformations() transform.addFunction(result_transform) origin = "%s/%s" % (node.functor, len(node.args)) kwdargs["call_origin"] = (origin, node.location) kwdargs["context"] = self.create_context(call_args, parent=context) kwdargs["transform"] = transform try: return self.eval( node.defnode, parent=parent, identifier=identifier, **kwdargs ) except UnknownClauseInternal: loc = kwdargs["database"].lineno(node.location) raise UnknownClause(origin, location=loc) def context_min_var(self, context): min_var = 0 for c in context: if is_variable(c): if c is not None and c < 0: min_var = min(min_var, c) else: variables = [v for v in c.variables() if v is not None] if variables: min_var = min(min_var, min(variables)) return min_var def eval_clause( self, context, node, node_id, parent, transform=None, identifier=None, current_clause=None, **kwdargs ): new_context = self.create_context([None] * node.varcount, parent=context) try: try: unify_call_head(context, node.args, new_context) except OccursCheck as err: raise OccursCheck(location=kwdargs["database"].lineno(node.location)) # Note: new_context should not contain None values. # We should replace these with negative numbers. # 1. Find lowest negative number in new_context. # TODO better option is to store this in context somewhere min_var = self.context_min_var(new_context) # 2. Replace None in new_context with negative values cc = min_var for i, c in enumerate(new_context): if c is None: cc -= 1 new_context[i] = cc if transform is None: transform = Transformations() def result_transform(result): output = substitute_head_args(node.args, result) return self.create_context(output, parent=result) transform.addFunction(result_transform) return self.eval( node.child, context=new_context, parent=parent, transform=transform, current_clause=node_id, identifier=identifier, **kwdargs ) except UnifyError: # Call and clause head are not unifiable, just fail (complete without results). return [complete(parent, identifier)] def handle_nonground(self, location=None, database=None, node=None, **kwdargs): raise NonGroundProbabilisticClause(location=database.lineno(node.location)) def eval_choice( self, parent, node_id, node, context, target, database, identifier, **kwdargs ): result = self._fix_context(context) for i, r in enumerate(result): if i not in node.locvars and not is_ground(r): result = self.handle_nonground( result=result, node=node, target=target, database=database, context=context, parent=parent, node_id=node_id, identifier=identifier, **kwdargs ) probability = instantiate(node.probability, result) # Create a new atom in ground program. if True or self.label_all: if isinstance(node.functor, Term): name = node.functor.with_args( *(node.functor.apply(result).args + result) ) else: name = Term(node.functor, *result) else: name = None origin = (, result) ground_node = target.add_atom( origin + (node.choice,), probability, group=origin, name=name ) # Notify parent. if ground_node is not None: return [new_result(parent, result, ground_node, identifier, True)] else: return [complete(parent, identifier)] def eval_extern(self, node=None, **kwdargs): return self.eval_builtin(node=SimpleBuiltIn(node.function), **kwdargs) def eval_builtin(self, **kwdargs): return self.eval_default(EvalBuiltIn, **kwdargs) def eval_default(self, eval_type, **kwdargs): node = eval_type(pointer=self.pointer, engine=self, **kwdargs) cleanup, actions = node() # Evaluate the node if not cleanup: self.add_record(node) return actions
[docs] def create_context(self, content, define=None, parent=None, state=None): """Create a variable context.""" con = Context(content) if state is not None: con.state = state elif not con.state: con.state = get_state(parent) if con.state is None: con.state = State() return con
def _clone_context(self, context, parent=None, state=None): con = Context(context, state=state) if not con.state: con.state = get_state(parent) return con def _fix_context(self, context): return FixedContext(context)
def get_state(c): if hasattr(c, "state"): return c.state else: return State()
[docs]class State(dict): # TODO make immutable def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __add__(self, other): """Update state by replacing data for keys in other. :param other: dictionary with values :return: new state """ res = State() for sk, sv in res.items(): res[sk] = sv for ok, ov in other.items(): res[ok] = ov return res def __mult__(self, other): """Update state by discarding current state and replacing it with other. :param other: dictionary with values :return: new state """ res = State() for ok, ov in other.items(): res[ok] = ov return res def __or__(self, other): """Update state by combining values. :param other: dictionary with values :return: new state """ res = State() for sk, sv in self.items(): res[sk] = sv for ok, ov in other.items(): if ok in res: if isinstance(type(ov), set): res[ok] = sv | ov else: res[ok] = sv + ov else: res[ok] = ov return res def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple([(k, tuple(v)) for k, v in self.items()]))
[docs]class Context(list): def __init__(self, parent, state=None): list.__init__(self, parent) if state is None: self.state = get_state(parent) else: self.state = state if self.state is None: self.state = State() def __repr__(self): return "%s {%s}" % (list.__repr__(self), self.state)
[docs]class FixedContext(tuple): def __new__(cls, parent): n = tuple.__new__(cls, parent) n.state = get_state(parent) return n def __repr__(self): return "%s {%s}" % (tuple.__repr__(self), self.state) def __hash__(self): return tuple.__hash__(self) + hash(self.state) def __eq__(self, other): return tuple.__eq__(self, other) and self.state == get_state(other)
[docs]class MessageQueue(object): """A queue of messages.""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def append(self, message): """Add a message to the queue. :param message: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
def __iadd__(self, messages): """Add a list of message to the queue. :param messages: :return: """ for message in messages: self.append(message) return self
[docs] def cycle_exhausted(self): """Check whether there are messages inside the cycle. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs] def pop(self): """Pop a message from the queue. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
def __nonzero__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def __bool__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def repr_message(self, msg): if msg[0] == "c": return "c(%s)" % msg[1] elif msg[0] == "r": return "r(%s, %s)" % (msg[1], msg[2]) elif msg[0] == "e": return "e(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % ( msg[1], msg[3].get("call"), msg[3].get("context"), msg[3].get("parent"), ) def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def __repr__(self): return "[%s]" % ", ".join(map(self.repr_message, self))
[docs]class MessageFIFO(MessageQueue): def __init__(self, engine): MessageQueue.__init__(self) self.engine = engine self.messages = []
[docs] def append(self, message): self.messages.append(message) # Inform the debugger. if self.engine.debugger: self.engine.debugger.process_message(*message)
[docs] def pop(self): return self.messages.pop(-1)
def peek(self): return self.messages[-1]
[docs] def cycle_exhausted(self): if self.engine.cycle_root is None: return False else: last_message = self.peek() return ( last_message[0] == "e" and last_message[3]["parent"] < self.engine.cycle_root.pointer )
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.messages) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.messages) def __len__(self): return len(self.messages) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.messages)
[docs]class MessageAnyOrder(MessageQueue): def __init__(self, engine): MessageQueue.__init__(self) self.engine = engine def _msg_parent(self, message): if message[0] == "e": return message[3]["parent"] else: return message[1]
[docs] def cycle_exhausted(self): if self.engine.cycle_root is None: return False else: for message in self: # TODO cache parent = self._msg_parent(message) if self.engine.in_cycle(parent): return False return True
[docs]class MessageOrderD(MessageAnyOrder): def __init__(self, engine): MessageAnyOrder.__init__(self, engine) self.messages = []
[docs] def append(self, message): self.messages.append(message)
[docs] def pop(self): return self.messages.pop(-1)
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.messages) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.messages) def __len__(self): return len(self.messages) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.messages)
[docs]class MessageOrderDrc(MessageAnyOrder): def __init__(self, engine): MessageAnyOrder.__init__(self, engine) self.messages_rc = [] self.messages_e = []
[docs] def append(self, message): if message[0] == "e": self.messages_e.append(message) else: self.messages_rc.append(message)
[docs] def pop(self): if self.messages_rc: msg = self.messages_rc.pop(-1) return msg else: res = self.messages_e.pop(-1) return res
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.messages_e) or bool(self.messages_rc) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.messages_e) or bool(self.messages_rc) def __len__(self): return len(self.messages_e) + len(self.messages_rc) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.messages_e + self.messages_rc)
class NestedDict(object): def __init__(self): self.__base = {} def __getitem__(self, key): p_key, s_key = key p_key = (p_key, len(s_key)) s_key = list(s_key) + [get_state(s_key)] elem = self.__base[p_key] for s in s_key: elem = elem[s] return elem def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def __contains__(self, key): p_key, s_key = key p_key = (p_key, len(s_key)) s_key = list(s_key) + [get_state(s_key)] try: elem = self.__base[p_key] for s in s_key: elem = elem[s] return True except KeyError: return False def __setitem__(self, key, value): p_key, s_key = key p_key = (p_key, len(s_key)) s_key = list(s_key) + [get_state(s_key)] if s_key: elem = self.__base.get(p_key) if elem is None: elem = {} self.__base[p_key] = elem for s in s_key[:-1]: elemN = elem.get(s) if elemN is None: elemN = {} elem[s] = elemN elem = elemN elem[s_key[-1]] = value else: self.__base[p_key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): p_key, s_key = key p_key = (p_key, len(s_key)) s_key = list(s_key) + [get_state(s_key)] if s_key: elem = self.__base[p_key] elems = [(p_key, self.__base, elem)] for s in s_key[:-1]: elem_n = elem[s] elems.append((s, elem, elem_n)) elem = elem_n del elem[s_key[-1]] # Remove last element for s, e, ec in reversed(elems): if len(ec) == 0: del e[s] else: break else: del self.__base[p_key] def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self.__base) class VarReindex(object): def __init__(self): self.v = 0 self.n = {} def __getitem__(self, var): if var is None: return var else: if var in self.n: return self.n[var] else: self.v -= 1 self.n[var] = self.v return self.v # else: # return var class DefineCache(object): def __init__(self, dont_cache): self.__non_ground = NestedDict() self.__ground = NestedDict() self.__active = NestedDict() self.__dont_cache = dont_cache def reset(self): self.__non_ground = NestedDict() self.__ground = NestedDict() def _reindex_vars(self, goal): ri = VarReindex() return goal[0], [substitute_simple(g, ri) for g in goal[1]] def is_dont_cache(self, goal): return ( goal[0][:9] == "_nocache_" or (goal[0], len(goal[1])) in self.__dont_cache ) def activate(self, goal, node): self.__active[self._reindex_vars(goal)] = node def deactivate(self, goal): del self.__active[self._reindex_vars(goal)] def getEvalNode(self, goal): return self.__active.get(self._reindex_vars(goal)) def __setitem__(self, goal, results): if self.is_dont_cache(goal): return # Results functor, args = goal if is_ground(*args): if results: # assert(len(results) == 1) res_key = next(iter(results.keys())) key = (functor, res_key) self.__ground[key] = results[res_key] else: key = (functor, args) self.__ground[key] = NODE_FALSE # Goal failed else: goal = self._reindex_vars(goal) res_keys = list(results.keys()) self.__non_ground[goal] = results all_ground = True for res_key in res_keys: key = (functor, res_key) all_ground &= is_ground(*res_key) if not all_ground: break # TODO caching might be incorrect if program contains var(X) or nonvar(X) or ground(X). if all_ground: for res_key in res_keys: key = (functor, res_key) self.__ground[key] = results[res_key] def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def __getitem__(self, goal): functor, args = goal if is_ground(*args): return [(args, self.__ground[goal])] else: goal = self._reindex_vars(goal) # res_keys = self.__non_ground[goal] return self.__non_ground[goal].items() def __delitem__(self, goal): functor, args = goal if is_ground(*args): del self.__ground[goal] else: goal = self._reindex_vars(goal) del self.__non_ground[goal] def __contains__(self, goal): functor, args = goal if is_ground(*args): return goal in self.__ground else: goal = self._reindex_vars(goal) return goal in self.__non_ground def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return "%s\n%s" % (self.__non_ground, self.__ground) class Transformations(object): def __init__(self): self.functions = [] self.constant = None def addConstant(self, constant): pass # if self.constant is None : # self.constant = self(constant) # self.functions = [] def addFunction(self, function): # print ('add', function, self.constant) # if self.constant is None : self.functions.append(function) def __call__(self, result): # if self.constant != None : # return self.constant # else : for f in reversed(self.functions): if result is None: return None result = f(result) return result
[docs]class BooleanBuiltIn(object): """Simple builtin that consist of a check without unification. \ (e.g. var(X), integer(X), ... ).""" def __init__(self, base_function): self.base_function = base_function def __call__(self, *args, **kwdargs): callback = kwdargs.get("callback") if self.base_function(*args, **kwdargs): args = kwdargs["engine"].create_context(args, parent=kwdargs["context"]) if kwdargs["target"].flag("keep_builtins"): call = kwdargs["call_origin"][0].split("/")[0] name = Term(call, *args) node = kwdargs["target"].add_atom( name, None, None, name=name, source="builtin" ) return True, callback.notifyResult(args, node, True) else: return True, callback.notifyResult(args, NODE_TRUE, True) else: return True, callback.notifyComplete() def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self.base_function)
[docs]class SimpleBuiltIn(object): """Simple builtin that does cannot be involved in a cycle or require engine information \ and has 0 or more results.""" def __init__(self, base_function): self.base_function = base_function def __call__(self, *args, **kwdargs): callback = kwdargs.get("callback") results = self.base_function(*args, **kwdargs) output = [] if results: for i, result in enumerate(results): result = kwdargs["engine"].create_context( result, parent=kwdargs["context"] ) if kwdargs["target"].flag("keep_builtins"): # kwdargs['target'].add_node() # print (kwdargs.keys(), args) call = kwdargs["call_origin"][0].split("/")[0] name = Term(call, *result) node = kwdargs["target"].add_atom( name, None, None, name=name, source="builtin" ) output += callback.notifyResult(result, node, i == len(results) - 1) else: output += callback.notifyResult( result, NODE_TRUE, i == len(results) - 1 ) return True, output else: return True, callback.notifyComplete() def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self.base_function)
[docs]class SimpleProbabilisticBuiltIn(object): """Simple builtin that does cannot be involved in a cycle or require engine information and has 0 or more results.""" def __init__(self, base_function): self.base_function = base_function def __call__(self, *args, **kwdargs): callback = kwdargs.get("callback") results = self.base_function(*args, **kwdargs) output = [] if results: for i, result in enumerate(results): output += callback.notifyResult( kwdargs["engine"].create_context(result[0], parent=result[0]), result[1], i == len(results) - 1, ) return True, output else: return True, callback.notifyComplete() def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self.base_function)
def addBuiltIns(engine): add_standard_builtins( engine, BooleanBuiltIn, SimpleBuiltIn, SimpleProbabilisticBuiltIn )
[docs]class MessageOrder1(MessageAnyOrder): def __init__(self, engine): MessageAnyOrder.__init__(self, engine) self.messages_rc = [] self.messages_e = []
[docs] def append(self, message): if message[0] == "e": self.messages_e.append(message) else: self.messages_rc.append(message)
[docs] def pop(self): if self.messages_rc: msg = self.messages_rc.pop(-1) # print ('M', msg) return msg else: i = random.randint(0, len(self.messages_e) - 1) # print ('MESSAGE', [m[0:2] + (m[3]['context'],) for m in self.messages_e], self.messages_e[i][0:3]) res = self.messages_e.pop(i) return res
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.messages_e) or bool(self.messages_rc) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.messages_e) or bool(self.messages_rc) def __len__(self): return len(self.messages_e) + len(self.messages_rc) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.messages_e + self.messages_rc)