Source code for problog.core

problog.core - Binary Decision Diagrams

Provides core functionality of ProbLog.

    Part of the ProbLog distribution.

    Copyright 2015 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
from collections import defaultdict

from .errors import ProbLogError

[docs]class ProbLog(object): """Static class containing transformation information""" def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("This is a static class!") transformations = defaultdict(list) create_as = defaultdict(list) allow_subclass = set()
[docs] @classmethod def register_transformation(cls, src, target, action=None): """Register a transformation from class src to class target using function action. :param src: source function :param target: target function :param action: transformation function """ cls.transformations[target].append((src, action))
[docs] @classmethod def register_create_as(cls, repl, orig): """Register that we can create objects of class `repl` in the same way as objects \ of class `orig`. :param repl: object we want to create :param orig: object construction we can use instead """ cls.create_as[repl].append(orig)
[docs] @classmethod def register_allow_subclass(cls, orig): """Register that we can create objects of class `repl` by creating an object of a subclass. :param orig: """ cls.allow_subclass.add(orig)
[docs] @classmethod def find_paths(cls, src, target, stack=()): """Find all possible paths to transform the src object into the target class. :param src: object to transform :param target: class to tranform the object to :param stack: stack of intermediate classes :return: list of class, action, class, action, ..., class """ # Create a destination object or any of its subclasses if isinstance(src, target): yield (target,) else: targets = [(0, target, target)] + [ (0, target, d) for d in cls.create_as[target] ] if target in cls.allow_subclass: for d in set(list(cls.transformations) + list(cls.create_as)): if issubclass(d, target) and ( not hasattr(d, "is_available") or getattr(d, "is_available")() ): if hasattr(d, "transform_preference"): w = getattr(d, "transform_preference") else: w = 1000 targets.append((w, d, d)) for w, tar, d in sorted(targets, key=lambda v: v[0]): for s, action in cls.transformations[d]: if s not in stack: for path in cls.find_paths(src, s, stack + (s,)): yield path + (action, tar)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, src, target, **kwdargs): """Convert the source object into an object of the target class. :param src: source object :param target: target class :param kwdargs: additional arguments passed to transformation functions """ for d in cls.create_as[target]: if type(src) == d: return src.clone(target(**kwdargs)) # Find transformation paths from source to target. for path in cls.find_paths(src, target): try: # A path is a sequence of obj, function, obj/class, ..., obj/class current_obj = src path = path[1:] # Invariant: path[0] is a function, path[1] is an obj/class while path: if path[1] is not None: next_obj = path[0](current_obj, path[1](**kwdargs), **kwdargs) else: next_obj = path[1].create_from_default_action( current_obj, **kwdargs ) path = path[2:] current_obj = next_obj return current_obj except TransformationUnavailable: # The current transformation strategy didn't work for some reason. Try another one. pass raise ProbLogError( "No conversion strategy found from an object of " "class '%s' to an object of class '%s'" % (type(src).__name__, getattr(target, "__name__")) )
[docs]class TransformationUnavailable(Exception): """Exception thrown when no valid transformation between two ProbLogObjects can be found.""" pass
[docs]class ProbLogObject(object): """Root class for all convertible objects in the ProbLog system."""
[docs] @classmethod def create_from(cls, obj, **kwdargs): """Transform the given object into an object of the current class using transformations. :param obj: obj to transform :param kwdargs: additional options :return: object of current class """ return ProbLog.convert(obj, cls, **kwdargs)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @classmethod def createFrom(cls, obj, **kwdargs): """Transform the given object into an object of the current class using transformations. :param obj: obj to transform :param kwdargs: additional options :return: object of current class """ return cls.create_from(obj, **kwdargs)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_default_action(cls, src): """Create object of this class from given source object using default action. :param src: source object to transform :return: transformed object """ raise ProbLogError("No default conversion strategy defined.")
[docs]def transform_create_as(cls1, cls2): """Informs the system that cls1 can be used instead of cls2 in any transformations. :param cls1: :param cls2: :return: """ ProbLog.register_create_as(cls1, cls2)
def transform_allow_subclass(cls): ProbLog.register_allow_subclass(cls) return cls # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class transform(object): """Decorator for registering a transformation between two classes. :param cls1: source class :param cls2: target class :param func: transformation function (for direct use instead of decorator) """ def __init__(self, cls1, cls2, func=None): self.cls1 = cls1 self.cls2 = cls2 if not issubclass(cls2, ProbLogObject): raise TypeError("Conversion only possible for subclasses of ProbLogObject.") if func is not None: self(func) def __call__(self, f): ProbLog.register_transformation(self.cls1, self.cls2, f) return f
[docs]def list_transformations(): """Print an overview of available transformations.""" print("Available transformations:") for target in ProbLog.transformations: print("\tcreate %s.%s" % (target.__module__, target.__name__)) for src, func in ProbLog.transformations[target]: print( "\t\tfrom %s.%s by %s.%s" % (src.__module__, src.__name__, func.__module__, func.__name__) )